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Lukas' seminars; introduction to Fourier and wave optics, the linear canonical transform, and time-frequency analysis


  • When: Each week after PSM group meeting


Wrecked. Every week we serve the chef's special! Upcoming topics and papers include:

Notes and slides


Seminar articles

Reference books


Web resources

Fourier optics

  • Elephant hologram by Philip Benzie (Image file attached below)
    • Wavelength: 532 nm
    • Pixel size: 3.5 um
    • Reconstruction distance: 1.0 m
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatm Fresnel_convolution.m r1 manage 0.7 K 2009-09-25 - 17:06 UnknownUser Convolution Fresnel Method; Matlab
Unknown file formatm Fresnel_direct.m r1 manage 0.7 K 2009-09-25 - 17:05 UnknownUser Direct Fresnel Method; Matlab
PNGpng holopreprocessed_elephant.png r1 manage 372.6 K 2009-09-25 - 17:04 UnknownUser Elephant hologram by Philip Benzie
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Topic revision: r8 - 2009-11-03 - lukasa
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