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Imager Web: Maintenance Procedures

Updated July 2009

General page edits

  • in general only edit content between "include("includes/top.php");" and "" The PHP code above and below control how the pages are displayed and if there is a problem then the entire page will look very weird.

The root files are currently in:


(Yes, there are two occurrences of "imager" in that path.)

The convention for updating the site is that all files should be group 'imager', and thus anybody in Imager can edit them. The decision is that it's more important to have the files easy to update, than to enforce version control and locking. The person who will be doing the most editing is the current webmaster czar, but anybody can update as needed. If this decision proves problematic we can revisit it, but it's worked well for the past several years. (Tamara, May 2012)

Here is the current mapping of pages to file names (once we are certain of the page names Andre will make it a 1 to 1 mapping):

  • "Home" "imager.php
  • "About Us"
    • "Facilities", "laboverview.php"
    • "History", "history.php"
    • "Finding Us", "findingus.php"
    • "Contact", "contact.php"
    • "News and Events", "newsandevents.php"
    • "Meetings", "meetings.php"
    • "Images of Imager", "photos.php"
  • "People"
    • "Faculty", "faculty.php"
    • "Post Docs", "postdocs.php"
    • "Students", "gradstudents.php"
    • "Alumni", "alumni.php"
    • "Staff", "staff.php"
  • "Research"
    • "Graphics", "graphics.php"
    • "Visualization", "visualization.php"
    • "Human Centered Technologies", "hci.php"
    • "Publications"
    • "Papers", "papers.php"
    • "Theses", "theses.php"
    • "Courses", "courses.php"
    • "Joining Imager", "prospective.php"

Adding news and events

  • Go to /includes/news.txt
  • Add a list item at the top of the list. It is essential that you use the exact syntax (please copy paste): <li class='news'> your news here </li>. Any list items within your update should not have that class.
  • If the news item is long please break it up by inserting <more> after a short snippet (please don't use <more> between any set of HTML tags (other than the li tags you use for the item)
  • Save the file and go to the Imager website to ensure that nothing has broken.

Adding Pictures to the top right rotator

  • Go to: /ubc/cs/research/imager/imager/local/generic/web/images/photos/rotator
  • Find the folder with your name, or create one.
  • Put pictures in that folder
  • Go to /ubc/cs/research/imager/imager/local/generic/web/imageloader.js
  • on line 11 there is an array called "thePics". Add items to the bottom of that array in the following format: 'yourname/filename', 'caption', 'link'
  • A suggested format is that the name should be that the caption mention the paper and students while the link links to the paper.

Adding new faculty

  • New faculty need to be updated in 3 places. The home page, the research pages and the faculty page.
  • Add a 85x85px picture in the images folder
  • Home page: go to /ubc/cs/research/imager/imager/local/generic/web/imager.php and follow the commented instructions on that page.
  • Faculty page: go to /ubc/cs/research/imager/imager/local/generic/web/faculty.php and follow the commented instructions on that page.
  • Research Page: go to /ubc/cs/research/imager/imager/local/generic/web/*researchPage*.php where research page is either graphics, hci or visualization. Follow commented the instructions on the page.

Adding new students

Adding new publications


  • Publications:

  • [placeholder] we could post a citation for the thesis at time of successful defense, then a web czar can update it with a link 6 months later in a batch job when doc is posted in CS archive.

Old Stuff

  • The pages under imager-web should be left untouched: we keep them for archival reasons to avoid breaking URLs, but none of it is current.

Items that need to go on here somewhere:

  • changing the # of non-archived events (right sidebar and NEws/Events page are set separately, but probably best to keep them at same value).
  • eventually, how to unhide the alumni stuff if it indeed gets hidden (if this is at all complicated).
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Topic revision: r16 - 2012-05-16 - TamaraMunzner
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