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Silvia Breu and Jens Krinke. Aspect mining using event traces. In Proc. of the Conference on Automatic Software Engineering, 2004.

This project uses dynamic execution traces to infer crosscutting. A trace consists of the method execution tree (left-right ordered computation tree) of the program, given a particular set of inputs.

Four types of relations are defined on the computation tree:

outside-before-execution(a, b) : a is the first left sibling of b.

outside-after-execution(a, b) : a is the first right sibling of b.

inside-first-execution(a, b) : b is the first child of a.

inside-last-execution(a, b) : b is the last child of a.

Crosscutting is determined to occur whenever a relation, R, occurs more than once in the program. Additionally, for all a and b, R (a, b) must be true.

-- Main.wohlstad - 11 May 2005

  • ase04.pdf: Aspect Mining Using Event Traces
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