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Date Paper Authors
Jul 31 2003 On Finding Duplication and Near-Duplication in Large Software Systems Brenda S. Baker
Aug 7 2003 Visitor Combination and Traversal Control Joost Visser
Aug 14 2003 Difference-Based Modules: A Class-Independent Module Mechanism Yuuji Ichisugi and Akira Tanaka
Aug 21 2003 CoffeeStrainer - Statically-Checked Constraints on the Definition and Use of Types in Java Boris Bokowski
Aug 28 2003 Supporting reuse by delivering task-relevant and personalized information Y. Ye and G. Fischer
Sep 20 2003 Template Meta Programming for Haskell T. Sheard and S. P. Jones
Sep 27 2003 Cognitive Design Elements to support the Construction of a Mental Model During Software Exploration M.-A.D. Storey, F.D. Fracchia and H. A. Muller
Oct 11 2003 Monads for functional programming Philip Wadler
Oct 18 2003 Incremental Programming with Extensible Decisions D. Orleans
Nov 29 2003 Alias Annotations for Program Understanding J. Aldrich, V. Kostadinov, C. Chambers
Feb 21 2004 MultiJava: Modular Open Classes and Symmetric Multiple Dispatch for Java Curtis Clifton, Gary T. Leavens, Craig Chambers, and Todd Millstein
Feb 21 2004 Language Support for Connector Abstractions Jonathan Aldrich, Vibha Sazawal, Craig Chambers, and David Notkin
Nov 22 2004 A Classification System and Analysis for Aspect-Oriented Programs Martin Rinard, Alexandru Salcianu, and Suhabe Bugrara
Nov 29 2004 Verifying Aspect Advice Modularly Shriram Krishnamurthi, Kathi Fisler, Michael Greenberg
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