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Location Person Machine Name OS Speed Memory Display Notes
A1 Ryan gowlin Win XP 1.86Ghz 1.00 GB wide lcd IBM T43
A2 empty dacron Win XP     ?  
A3 empty wasatch Win XP     ?  
A4 Arjun vegas Win XP 1.73 GHz 1.5 GB wide lcd IBM T43
A5 Ivan borealis Win XP 0.7 GHz 1 GB 17" CRT turned off
A5 Ivan ? Win XP 1.86 GHz 1 GB   IBM T43
A6 Lyndon taipan Win XP 1 GHz 1 GB ?  
B1 empty none       ?  
B2 Edin alaskan Win XP 1 GHz 512 MB ?  
B3 empty none       ?  
B4 empty opossum Win XP 0.933 GHz 1 GB ?  
B5 empty none       ?  
B6 empty none       ?  
C1 Terry orval Win XP 3 GHz 1 GB 2 lcd  
C2 Sara fierce Win XP     ?  
C3 Maria rosella Win XP 3 GHz 1 GB 2 lcd  
C4 Andrew ? Win XP 1.86 Ghz 1GB wide lcd IBM T43
D1 John kevlar Win XP 3 GHz 1 GB ?  
D2 Sean cuervo Win XP 3 GHz 1 GB ?  
D3 Mik own laptop       wide lcd  
D4 ? ? ? ? ? 2 lcd  
E1 Clint tula Win XP Server     lcd  
E2 Navjot own laptop       none  
E3 Thomas own laptop Win XP     lcd Dell D410
E4 Brett none       lcd  
F1 Jonathan viper Win XP 1 GHz 1 GB none turned off
F2 empty         lcd  
F3 Chris cypress Win XP 1 GHz 768 MB SGI-R4 lcd  
F3 Chris gregor Win XP 0.7 GHz 256 MB   IBM X21
F4 Brian cordura Linux 3 GHz 1 GB crt  
F4 Brian own laptop          

* where did rochefort (Win XP, 3 GHz, 1 GB) go when Ed finished?

* where did pils (Win 2000, 0.7 GHz, 1 GB) go when Jan finished?

* where did beamish (Win XP, 1 GHz, 1GB) go from F2?

* where is hipikat (Linux, 0.5 GHz, 256MB)?

A and B are the peninsulae to the north-east. C, D, E, and F are the wooden quads in the south.

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Topic revision: r18 - 2006-04-28 - ChrisDutchyn
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