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Info for getting tools to work.

--Compiling an unmanaged executable for reading with Phoenix

"cl -Zi -link -debug -debugtype:cv,fixup"

--Here is a way to visualize Phoenix CFGs.

1. Add the switch "-d2dotlower" to your "cl -B2c2.exe" compiler command.

2. This will emit ".dot" files into your current directory.

3. To view these files, download a ".dot" visualizer: http://www.graphviz.org/

--Dumping IR

Use either "-d2dumpcil" or "-d2dumplower"

-- Main.wohlstad - 06 May 2005

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Texttxt phoenix_notes.txt r1 manage 1.3 K 2005-05-06 - 21:43 EricWohlstadter Notes on Tool config
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Topic revision: r3 - 2005-06-08 - EricWohlstadter
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