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WebProgramming FoRGe

As web-based applications evolve from simple quick hacks and scripts to critical business applications and become increasingly more complex the issue of structuring, maintaining and (re-)engineering are becoming real issues.

This FoRGe will look at some of these problems and some of the solutions SE and PL researchers have proposed.

Who's interested? Kris, Eric, Andrew, Ivan, Lyndon, Navjot, Maria, Clint, Arjun, Izzet, Brett, Terry, Sara add yourself


  • Meeting time: Tuesday 1-2 pm.
  • First meeting: Tuesday Feb 21st


Week 1: Feb 21st The Links project's proposal. Wadler 2005.
Data access
Week 2: Feb 28th LINQ Project Overview Don Box, Anders Hejlsberg. 2005.
Week 3: March 14th The essence of data access in Cω. Gavin Bierman, Erik Meijer, and Wolfram Schulte. ECOOP 2005.
Week 4: March 28th XDuce: A typed XML processing language. Haruo Hosoya and Benjamin C. Pierce. ACM TOIT 2003.
Control flow in webapps
Week 5: April 4th The Influence of Browsers on Evaluators or, Continuations to Program Web Servers. Christian Queinnec. ICFP 2000.
Week 6: April 11th Spring Webflow. Keith Donald & Erwin Vervaet. The Serverside May 2005.
Week 7: April 18th Finding Security Vulnerabilities in Java Applications with Static Analysis. Benjamin Livshits, Monica S. Lam. Usenix Security Symposium 2005.

More materials?

It seems like there is an inexhaustible supply of stuff to read...

The list of papers and topics below is is intended to collect relevant information before setting a week-by-week schedule. It can also serve as a starting point for further reading.

Continuations for the Web

Bridging the gap between the stateless http protocol and the statefull control structures of programming languages.

Data access (Database, SQL and XML processing)

Web applications typically need to interact with external data sources and stores such as XML and relational databases. This is typically done through various APIs that are "untyped". Such untyped interfaces are undesirable (error prone, unchecked, hard to support in IDE, ...).

Monads and C#

XML processing


What's used in the real world?

  • Php, JSP, Spring Webflow, Java Server Faces etc.

Links to other relevant material

  • The Links Project: Wadler et. al are working on developing a language for web programming dubbed "Links". The project's proposal is an interesting read and provides many leads to related work.

Izzet: I want to propose the following paper to discuss it in our reading group. It is not an academic paper but seems to portray current developments on web applications.


-- KrisDeVolder - 23 Jan 2006

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Topic revision: r21 - 2006-04-18 - KrisDeVolder
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