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Ed's Sandbox

First Section: General Stuff

Let's begin this Sandbox page with a Table of Contents:

The first major paragraph begins with the server's current date and time, which is 2024-07-17 - 10:04. The host machine that we are running on is: www.cs.ubc.ca. And here are some TWiki-related parameters:

  • My Wiki user name is: TWikiGuest, but the userid with which I've logged on is: guest.
  • The name of our TWiki site is: TWiki
  • The installed version is: TWiki-6.1.0-trunk, Thu, 05 Nov 2020, build 30858
  • The name of the topic listing all registered users is: TWikiUsers

In the second major paragraph, we come across some words displayed in italics and even using bold italics. If you want mono spacing, then use the equals sign: e.g., this is in mono spacing. If you want verbatim without tag substitutions, use the verbatim tags:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(void)
  return 0;

Otherwise, look what happens when you forget to include the verbatim tags:

#include using namespace std;

int main(void) { ... return 0; }

The third major paragraph has a link to a TWiki page that doesn't exist yet, called AnotherTWikiPage; however, the identifiers EdKnorrUBC and SunOS are not TWiki pages. There's also a link to Big Ed's Home Page , but don't be fooled by clicking on the red letters; instead, use this underlined link: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~knorr. Three or more hyphens yield a horizontal line, if the hyphens appear at the start of a line.

Second Section: Stock Market

The fourth major paragraph lists some of the stocks that I've been following:

  • On the Toronto Stock Exchange:
    1. IPS.TO - The Steelmaker IPSCO which produces pipe (e.g., for pipelines) and sheet metal (e.g., to build badly needed railway cars).
    2. CNR.TO - Canadian National Railway, which has a vast route network connecting strategic parts of the continent. CNR is currently at maximum capacity in Western Canadian provinces, and is trying to build more railcars to meet the huge import/export demand. Port facilities are also stretched to the maximum.
    3. FDG-UN.TO - Fording Coal, which is producing high-quality metallurgical coal to fuel industrial plants in China, Japan, and elsewhere around the globe.
      • Fording owns 60% of the Elk Valley Coal Trust.
      • Teck-Cominco (TSE: TEK-SVB.TO) owns the other 40%. Teck-Cominco also produces zinc and lead, and smaller amounts of other metals.
    4. CCO.TO - Cameco, which is one of the world's few pure plays in uranium, a metal that is highly in demand, and for which supply shortages are expected worldwide for the next 10 years.
      • The big question is whether high price increase expectations have already been factored into the stock's price.

Notice that I'm bullish on metals.
  • On the NASDAQ Stock Exchange:
    1. MSFT - Microsoft
    2. OATS - Wild Oats Markets, which specializes in organic foods (e.g., Capers stores in the Vancouver area)
      1. WFMI - Whole Foods is a competitor

Organic foods seem to have promise, although I eat very few of these products myself.
    1. PCMS - PMC-Sierra, a Vancouver-based semiconductor manufacturer

Let's create a table:

Sector TSE Symbol Name
Oil & Gas ECA Encana
CNQ Canadian Natural Resources
TLM Talisman
PCA Petro-Canada
SHC Shell
non-oil & gas
Uranium CCO Cameco
DEN Denison
Coal FDG-UN Fording

Stock quotes can be obtained here.

-- EdKnorr - 12 May 2005

Topic revision: r1 - 2005-05-12 - EdKnorr
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