From 2005-2009, the Jade Bridges Programme supported
third-level institutions in B.C. and the Yukon in their efforts
to increase the participation and success of women in Science
and Engineering, particularly in fields in which women are
significantly underrepresented.
Leaders at academic institutions across British Columbia and the Yukon have
developed exciting outreach and mentoring programs that have challenged stereotypes
and have engaged girls and women to think about their future as
scientists and engineers. Resources developed by Jade Bridges leaders are linked below,
along with web pages of individual projects.
Resources Developed by Jade Bridges Leaders:
Overview Article on Jade Bridges
Paper presented at the 2008 CCWESTT Conference
Assessment and Evaluation Tools (Rebecca Tyson &
Elana Brief)
Presentation: How to Evaluate Success
Powerpoint version
pdf version
Sample evaluation surveys
Sample survey 1
Sample survey 2
Sample survey 3
Sample survey 4
Sample survey 5
Sample survey 6
Project Sustainability (Elizabeth Croft, Andy Law, Michele Ng)
Presentations by Elizabeth Croft, Andy Law and Michele Ng.
Career Transition
Presentations by Elizabeth Croft, Daniela Constantinescu, Donna Dykeman and Erin Young
2009 Projects:
Bridging Transitions: Enhancing Essential Professional Skills
Project leader: Gulnur Birol
Affiliation: Biology Program, UBC
Girls Exploring Physics
Project leader: Sarah Johnson
Affiliation: Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University
2008 Projects:
Innovators in Schools: Making Science and Technology Fun! Project leader: Heather Dundas
Affiliation: Yukon College
Women in Engineering (Vancouver Region)
Project leader: Anja Lanz
Affiliation: Dept. of Engineering Physics, UBC
Women in Engineering Physics Recruitment and Networking
Project leaders: Anja Lanz, Amy Liu, Mya Warren
Affiliation: Dept. of Engineering Physics, UBC
Geering Up All Girls Camps
Project leader: Maxime Chin
Affiliation: Faculty of Applied Science, UBC
AWAKE (Aboriginal Women Achieving Through Knowledge in Engineering)
Project leader: Yvonne Coady
Affiliation: Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria
Career in Science: Workshop for Female Undergraduates
Project leader: Rebecca Tyson, Trudy Kavanagh
Affiliation: I.K. Barber School of Arts & Sciences, UBC Okanagan
Yukon Outreach Workshops
Project leader: Naoko Ellis, Jill Craven, Alexandre Vigeault
Affiliation: Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, UBC
Bridging Transitions:
Transitioning with Confidence
Project leader: Karen Kavanagh
Affiliation: Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University
Can Do IT Competition
Project leader: Andy Law
Affiliation: Computer Science & Information Systems Department, Kwantlen
University College
Computer Challenge
Project leader: Ora Steyn
Affiliation: Computer & Information Systems Department, University
College of the Fraser Valley
2007 Projects:
Women in Physics: Life-Career Balance
Project leader: Sarah Johnson
Affiliation: Dept. of Physics, Simon Fraser University
Female Role Model at Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference
Project leader: Joel Zylberberg
Affiliation: Dept. of Physics, Simon Fraser University
Women in Engineering Physics - Recruitment and Networking
Project leader: Andre Marziali
Affiliation: Dept. of Engineering Physics, UBC
Networking Symposium for Women in Engineering
Project leaders: Anja Lanz, Elizabeth Croft
Affiliation: Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dept. of Engineering Physics, UBC
Career in Science: Workshop for Female Undergraduates
Project leader: Rebecca Tyson, Trudy Kavanagh
Affiliation: I.K. Barber School of Arts & Sciences, UBC Okanagan
Bridging Transitions:
Transitioning with Confidence
Project leader: Karen Kavanagh
Affiliation: Dept. of Physics, Simon Fraser University
Can Do IT Competition
Project leader: Andy Law
Affiliation: Computer Science & Information Systems Department, Kwantlen
University College
Computer Challenge
Project leader: Ora Steyn
Affiliation: Computer & Information Systems Department, University
College of the Fraser Valley
Why is Engineering Worth A Girl's Time
Project leader: Daniela Constantinescu
Affiliation: Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria
Physics &
Astronomy 'Welcome Orientation for Women
Project leaders: Carolina Tropini, Amy Liu
Affiliation: Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, UBC
A First Conference for Female Undergraduate CS Students
Project leader: Steven Wolfman
Affiliation: Dept. of Computer Science, UBC
Women in Engineering Recruitment & Retention Program
Project leader: Sharika Salim
Affiliation: School of Engineering, Simon Fraser University
2006 Projects:
Physics &
Astronomy 'Welcome Women Event
Project leader: Erin MacMillan
Affiliation: Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, UBC
in Engineering Physics - Social Network
Project leader: Andre Marziali
Affiliation: Engineering Physics Program, UBC
Can Do IT Competition
Project leader: Andy Law
Affiliation: Computer Science & Information Systems Department, Kwantlen
University College
Computer Challenge
Project leader: Ora Steyn
Affiliation: Computer & Information Systems Department, University
College of the Fraser Valley
Project leader: Janice Regan
Affiliation: School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University
at Langara & Capilano Colleges
Project leaders: Catherine Levinson, Margaret Dulat
Affiliation: CISI, Langara College; Department of Computer Science, Langara
Bridging Transitions:
Embracing Change
Project leader: Elana Brief
Affiliation: Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University
Career in Science: Workshop for Female Undergraduates
Project leader: Rebecca Tyson, Nusha Keyghobadi
Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, UBC Okanagan
Science & Engineering Workshop in the Yukon
Project leader: Naoko Ellis
Affiliation: Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, UBC
Engineering Women at UBC
Project leader: Elizabeth Croft
Affiliation: Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Vision for Smart Girls
Project leader: Alexandra Branzan
Affiliation: Department of Electrical & Computer
Engineering, University of Victoria
2005 Projects:
Project leader: Janice Regan
Affiliation: School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University
Career in Science: Workshop for Female Undergraduates
Project leader: Rebecca Tyson, Nusha Keyghobadi
Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, UBC Okanagan
West: Jade Busary for Girls
Project leader: Daniel Beck
Affiliation: Faculty of Engineering, University of Victoria
Soft Skills for
Hard Scientists
Project leader: Elana Brief
Affiliation: Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University
Seminar for Engineering Students
Project leader: Elizabeth Croft
Affiliation: Faculty of Applied Science, University of British Columbia
in Engineering Support Position
Project leader: Elizabeth Croft
Affiliation: Faculty of Applied Science, University of British Columbia
Science and Engineering Camp for Girls
Project leaders: Paul Carter, Yvonne Coady, Tamara Dakic
Affiliation: Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia
Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria
Department of Computer Science, Capilano College
in Physics Event at the Canadian Association of Physicists Annual Congress
Project leaders: Janis McKenna, Barbara Frisken
Affiliation: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British