
Human Computer Interaction: CPSC 544
UBC Computer Science - Fall 2009

   ASSIGNMENT 0 - Question/Comment on Each Reading


Due: by 9 AM the day of class readings are covered

Students must do the core readings before the lectures. By 9 AM the day of class, students must send me an email with a set of questions/comments about the material being covered that day, one per required reading (typically 2 per class). I encourage you to also bring a printout of these questions with you to class and use them as a springboard for discussion. Your email must have the subject line:

Subject: 544 submit Cnum

where num is the class number (as given on the schedule page).

Your submitted questions/comments should be thoughtful, and clearly show that you have done the reading and reflected on it. They do not all have to be phrased in the form of a question, a comment is fine. If you are genuinely confused by some aspect of the reading, then it is useful and legitimate to ask for clarification. However, simply asking something that you could trivially look up yourself is not a good question. As with any written work that you hand in, I expect correct grammar and spelling.

The questions will be graded on a scale of {great, good, ok, poor}. Here are some examples.

Each question/comment should be at most one short paragraph. Often one or two sentences will suffice. The goal is to have short, crisp answers. Marks will be docked for excessive length.

Unless othewise arranged with me, your questions/comments will not be accepted after 9 AM.

CS544 Human Computer Interaction - McGrenere 09/10