
Topics in Human Computer Interaction
Universal Usability, CSCW, and Personalization
UBC Computer Science - Winter 2012/13


Attendance in class is expected. If you must miss class you should send me email with an explanation, ideally prior to the class. 

There is a 0.5% deduction for arriving late to class. Latecomers are very disruptive to class discussion. [This penalty was added based on anonymous student feedback about their peers arriving late.]

A sizeable component of your grade in 554m will be based on your participation in class. Thoroughly reading the course materials for each class will obviously increase your ability to contribute meaningfully to the class.

In addition, each phase of the group work in the course will be assigned one grade for the entire group. However, at one or more points in the term, input on each team members' contributions to the joint work will be provided to me and will factor into your peer review grade.

CS554m Human Computer Interaction - McGrenere 12/13