Devon R. Graham

Devon R. Graham

I study Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the University of British Columbia, where I am working towards a PhD under Professor Kevin Leyton-Brown.

Algorithms that come with internal parameters can often be sped up considerably with proper tuning. My work focuses on how to find automated procedures to choose these parameters so that the underlying algorithm performs well on typical future inputs. I am interested in using tools from economics, statistics and information theory to help improve this search process, and to reconsider exactly what "performs well" should mean.

I completed my MSc, also at UBC, under Assistant Professor Siamak Ravanbakhsh. My research focused on applying Deep Learning methods to data from structured domains such as graphs or tensors, where the structure of the data helps to inform the learning model.


Utilitarian Algorithm Configuration
Devon R. Graham, Kevin Leyton-Brown, and Tim Roughgarden. NeurIPS, 2023.
pdf | arXiv | bibtex | poster

Formalizing Preferences Over Runtime Distributions
Devon R. Graham, Kevin Leyton-Brown, and Tim Roughgarden. ICML, 2023.
pdf | arXiv | bibtex | poster

ImpatientCapsAndRuns: Approximately Optimal Algorithm Configuration from an Infinite Pool
Gellért Weisz, András György, Wei-I Lin, Devon Graham, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Csaba Szepesvári, Brendan Lucier. NeurIPS, 2020.
pdf | bibtex | data

Procrastinating with Confidence: Near-Optimal, Anytime, Adaptive Algorithm Configuration
Robert Kleinberg, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Brendan Lucier, and Devon Graham. NeurIPS, 2019.
pdf | arXiv | bibtex | poster

Equivariant Entity-Relationship Networks
Devon Graham, Junhao Wang and Siamak Ravanbakhsh. arXiv, 2019.
pdf | arXiv | bibtex

Deep Models of Interactions Across Sets
Jason Hartford*, Devon R. Graham*, Kevin Leyton-Brown, and Siamak Ravanbakhsh. ICML, 2018.
pdf | arXiv | bibtex | poster

(* equal contribution)




Department of Computer Science
ICICS X568 - 2366 Main Mall
Vancouver, B.C.
V6T 1Z4
E-mail: email address
