Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 13:49:44 -0800 (PST)

From: David Sprague <>


Subject: Beer, saints, and bad spelling....


Well it is the end of another week of classes/research/skiing and so,

therefore it is a prime time to put down what you are doing and join your

fellow grads for a well earned beer.  Stressed out about your research? 

Koerner's can fix that.*  Can't find a supervisor? Koerner's can fix that

too.*  Term projects from the Fall still due?  A beer is what you need.*

Trying to meet that special someone?....I can't help you solve that

problem. :) Therefore I suggest a session of group problem solving*

starting at 5pm at the front of CICSR.  Your liver may not be grateful

for your decision, but your mind will.


* If procrastinating is considered fixing a problem until you have to get

back to work on it.


Also I was asked to mention that after the GSS AGM (see yesterday's grad

email) the GSS will be having a St. Patty's day bash that will be

free if you attend the AGM....  and hence miss Koerner's.....I suggest you

pay to go to the bash after you come to the pub. :)


Anyway to commemorate my second week as Czar, and my first question to the

departing czars (which was "how do I spell beer without getting into

trouble?") here is this week's list.  Please note, I can count (barely). I

am just known for my lists surpassing 10 items (and a top 11 or 13 just

sounds weird)



10. Zeez Czar

9. Bqqr Czar

8. Bear Czar

7. Bare Czar

6. Bore Czar

5. Beery Czarett

4. Brad Penoff

3. Baltazar

2. Bzar

1. Boozar

0. Czarky and Hutch


Also to ease potential withdrawal symptoms (and because I was curious if

I could do one): my first attempt at a Haiku


Slow evening start

accelerated consumption

create beer goggles


That's it for this week.  I hope to see you all tonight


David "misspeling" Sprague