Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 14:45:37 -0700 (PDT)

From: David Sprague <>


Subject: Beering in mind no one is here...


For those of you that did not take off for a 4 day long weekend, I would invite you all the meet out in front of CICSR at 5pm

for our weekly trip to Koerner's.  I am not expecting a huge turn out, but for those of us that are still here, I think there is

even more reason to take off for a beer at the end of today.  You earned it by not just taking the day off.* I hope you all had

a fantastic Canada Day yesterday (I for one went down to rec beach for the very first time.  If you have body shame issues, its

a great place to visit....I'll leave it at that.


* and if you just took the day off but are in town, what better way to end a lazy day than a beer...yes I can think of an excuse

for any situation. It's really quite sad since I think self justification is an acquired skill.


Anyway on the topic of Canada I thought I would write two lists: one that is fairly PG (although likely offensive) and one that

I am only sending to people who specifically request it (it is not likely that funny but DAMN it's offensive).  Hence if you

want to read it, email me.  I got to thinking about how Montrealers call Canada Day "Moving Day" since the entire city used to

up and move from their apartments on this day into a new place.  It was a bit of a yearly tradition, and federalists in Quebec

sure aren't that vocal on Canada Day considering the Nationalists are still rowled up from St. Jean Baptiste Day.  But I

digress.  I thought I would offer alternative Canada Day designations for the rest of Canada and the US (and I joke about your

province with love in my heart.  Don't yell at me for not knowing about the praries):






10. BC:  Cannabis Day!! (Seriously.  A march that went on yesterday called it that)


9. Alberta: "Easterners telling us when to celebrate" Day


8. Alberta: Chris Gray Day (because I have to mention someone in CS).


7. Saskatchewan:  .............People actually live in Saskatchewan???


6. Manitoba: ......ahhhhhh.........ummmmmm.......Canada Day???.... Seriously. What can you say about Manitoba?  Its almost as

hard to think up something for as Saskatchewan.


5. Manitoba:  Riel Day????


4. Manitoba:  We Love Wheat Day????  Ok I got nothing here.


3. Ontario:  Toronto Day (Because for some, Toronto = Canada)


2. Quebec:  Thursday


1. New Brunswick: Le Canada Day


0. P.E.I. : "Nothing to Do with Anne of Green Gables" Day


-1. Nova Scotia:  "One of the Oldest Provinces and We Still Only Have 11 Stinkin Seats In Parliament" Day.


-2. Newfoundland:  " I Can't Believe They Let Us In" Day


-3. Newfoundland: Kaneda Daey


-4. Northwest Territories:  Not Applicable.  The sun hasn't set in a week.


-5. U.S.A.:  51st State Day


-6. U.S.A.:  "Preemptively celebrating July 4th" Day

....maybe it's like how Canadians keep screwing up the day of Thanksgiving every year.



David "I kan Spel Rite Goodly" Sprague