Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 14:57:05 -0700 (PDT)

From: David Sprague <>


Subject: Despite all the construction, the beer has not been moved from Koerner's


Well hello all.  I am feeling very out of the loop this past week.  Rather than spending my time in my office this week, I have

been able to do work at home.*  However in the time I have been in CICSR I have noticed the great number of changes to the main

office, kitchen, and photocopy room and I thought I would comment on it.


* If by "work" you mean "sitting down with an OpenGL book, getting distracted by shiney objects, and eventually reading Harry

Potter instead".


Well lets take a break from the dust in the air (after seeing where the fridge was, a large amount of that dust seems to have

just been hiding under the fridge.  It was a warren of dust bunnies), the sounds of construction, and the regular office moves.

Lets meet at the front of CICSR at 5 and head down to Koerner's.  I would also like to see what people might think of a SLIGHTLY

earlier departure time. I am thinking 4:30 on really nice days might be ok.  I also know that some people can't make an earlier

Koerner's time and others can only make it if it is earlier.  Hence maybe a bit of variability (but not 3pm Dima. :)  I am still

getting flack for that one).


Ok in response to the extreme construction changes over the past week, this week's top ten hopes to look on the bright side of

these changes.


Oh and Dima, I am seriously only kidding this entire email.  I know your job is not easy.....and on that note.




10.  I have bad associations with marking in room 207.  I always get depressed when I see the actual amount on my paychecks.

Now at least I have isolated bad experiences to one area.


9.  Hopefully that horrible funk in the fridge will be gone


8. Smile knowing that everyone, not just grad students, are being crammed into  tiny offices.


7.      Snicker at how horrible coffee club payment collecting will be using a filing cabinet.


6.      For secretaries:  At least the pizza guy knows where 207 is.


5. You can stand in the room where the old photocopier waving a flashlight and making whooshing sounds.  See if you fool anyone.



4.  Dustin can strut around repeatedly saying "This didn't happen when I was czar".


3.  Mark has an extra flight of stairs to push Dustin down if number 3) occurs


2.  My mug full of tea + 1 flight of stairs = buns of steel


1.  The large glass entranceway permits people passing by to get a better view of construction worker butt cracks.


0. Hopefully the secretaries will have forgotten that I have 10 of their pens.


-1.  Two words for entrepreneurial students: sell maps!!


-2. No one will learn about the moldy tangerine I hid behind the fridge.


-3. Three words for those of you that have seen underneath the fridge:

Dust Ball Fight!!


-4.  It gives me a topic to talk about other than "how my move to Thunderbird went".


-5. You can put on a Burger King crown and run around where the main office was exclaiming " I RULE CS.  BOW DOWN BEFORE THE SPRAGUE".....not that I ever would......and there is no video tape evidence or anything silly like that..... hey look over

there!!!  *yoink*



David "Brains of Steel" Sprague