Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 13:51:58 -0700 (PDT)

From: David Sprague <>


Subject: Rushin off to Koerner's.


Ok I have limited time.  I hope that in a couple of hours I will have a thesis topic worked out and I JUST walked in the door.

This gives me an HOUR to write the call to Koerner's, shower, and change.  This no babbling....well less babbling.....actually

never mind. :)


So first order of business is that the call will be an hour early this week.  We will meet outside CICSR at 4 for the ever

entertaining walk over.  The reason?  Well, we are celebrating 3 graduations (that you were informed of earlier in the week) at

4, and I am a jerk and have to go somewhere at 5 tonight.  Someone else will have to do the 10 hour Koerner's marathon this week

rather than me.  So on this note, here is this weeks REALLY half ass list.





10. The email simply states: "Koerner's.  Beer. Penoff."


9. The list is titled: "Top Ten Favorite Letters in the Alphabet"


8.  Every item in the list has the word poop in it. Sometimes poop is said twice.


7.  L #s r n abbr. frm


6. The call consists of me running down the street screaming out a top ten list.  When no one laughs, moon random people on the



5. "5.  No ideas"

   "4. still no ideas."


4.  I start referring to Koerner's as going to K. (read K dot)


3.  "Top Ten <insert easily mocked group> Pick-up Lines".


2. My standard footnote reference is not included.*


1.  My top ten list only has 10 items on it.



* except it is



David "quickie" Sprague


......uhhhhh.  Forget I said quickie.