Obligatory cheesy shot.
This is my Buster Keaton
tribute gingerbread house. Notice the
marshmallow man with a fallen wall of the house around him (his wife is
climbing out of the fallen chimney).
Keaton is key.
Personal Information
Stuff that has little to nothing to do with my academic career....
and Interests
Member of the UBC Gilbert and
Sullivan Society for 2 years playing the truly memorable roles of "chorus
member #13" and "chorus member #8" in the HMS Pinafore and
Pirates of Penzance respectively.
Played saxophone for 9 years until I
realized I don't like muzac or bad 80s romance ballads. Stopped in 1994.
I enjoy improv acting and writing
comedy (although this may not be self-evident from this web page).
Avid cyclist and swimmer
(Competitive swimmer from 1985-1995.
Former lifeguard and swimming instructor).
Studied Meibukan Goju-Ryu karate for
6 years at the Kingston
Academy of Martial Arts. (I am
currently looking for a new dojo to join.
If anyone knows of a good one in Victoria, BC, please let me know).
Volunteer karate instructor
Volunteer for Extend-A-Family,
Kingston (1998-1999).
Volunteer puppeteer for Epilepsy
Kingston (1998).
Video game "enthusiast" (particularly Neverwinter Nights from
Bioware/Pandemic Games).
Active coffee snob, beer snob, and all around pain in the neck.
Books: 1984, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Tigana, the Lord of
the Rings Trilogy, Blindness, and America the Book (non-fiction). I am currently reading "No Logo"
by Naomi Klein and, of course, countless journal articles.
Music: Radiohead (OK Computer changed my life), Super Furry
Animals, the Arcade Fire, Johnny Cash, Neko Case, Smashing Pumpkins, Tori
Amos, NIN, Belle & Sebastian, the New Pornographers, Morcheeba, Ben Folds
(Five and Five-less), Interpol and Solex.
Movies: Life is Beautiful, Dumb and
Dumber, South Park: The Movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,
Reservoir Dogs, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Be Somebody or Be Somebody's Fool,
the Princess Bride, the Star Wars Trilogy + Episode 3, and Serenity.
TV: South Park, the Simpsons, Family
Guy, Justice League Unlimited, Seinfeld, The Daily Show, the Colbert Report,
Late Night with Conan O'Brien (years 2-8), Clone High, Connections with James
Burke (BBC), Angel, Babylon 5 (WOW geeky), Buffy, Farscape, and Firefly.
Homestar Runner
"All Your Base" Phenomenon (I'm not one to let Internet trends