Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 12:25:30 -0700 (PDT)

From: David Sprague <>


Subject: Beers consumed, mugs lost, and lessons learned...


Hello again everyone.  We are back to a nice normal Koerner's call this week and we will be departing from the front of CICSR at

5pm like we usually do.  Since this is a Friday before the workload has hit most people, I expect the pub to be a bit packed.  I

hope you will all be patient if we have to wait to get in *.


Well I would like to make one more serious announcement this call:  I have lost my big red coffee mug at Koerner's last week.

In a rush to go to the Weakerthans concert, I accidentally left it behind.  My mug has never been alone in a strange place like

this before and is probably scared.  If you have seen my mug, please contact your local czar.  For some reason,

those jerks at the dairy commission won't put my mug's picture on their milk cartons, despite the deep and meaningful

relationship my mug has had with the department's milk supply.  Please pray for my mug and for all lost mugs out in this cold

cruel world.


* Because I will be freaking out and swearing at the top of my lungs.


Also for your entertainment, here are some pictures from the Stanley Park trip:



Well I thought I would have tons of funny comments to say about last week's orientation and this week's first week of classes.

I was wrong. So on to my usual assortment of poop and Penoff jokes (not necessarily related).







10) The beer czar WILL smack you if you insist on calling him the "burger bitch".


9)      The grads mailing list should only be used for critical news and information....




.....I want my mug back


8)  Don't leave your beer unattended.  Someone will pee in it.


7)  New grad women are as smart as the continuing ones.  Still no one will consent to nice relaxing glute and pectoral massages.


6)  When Jocelyn is playing darts, run like hell.  Use Warren as a shield.


5)  No matter what he says, don't pull Dustin's finger.  Especially not near a BBQ.


4) Brad's BBQ job as cheese dispenser taught him that he could put cheese on ANYTHING.  A google search reveals there are 4 porn

sites discussing Penoffing, or its alternate name "Grad au Gratin'ing.


3) Despite thinking that you are toilet trained, Wolfgang Heidrich's 514 graphics course can make you second-guess this



2) If you can't get into your bullpen, don't say anything.  Just sit out in the hall for the first 3 weeks of class and avoid

the controversy.


1) Don't make fun of Tibi, especially if you don't know him.  He will mess you up.  Everyone should leave him alone and he is a

nice guy. can I have my dog back?


0) My supervisor has informed me that showing new grads the weird rash on my back does not constitute a demo.


-1) If you want to attend a class that is full, follow the steps below:

        a) talk to the instructor.

        b) If that doesn't work, sit on the floor of the class and pretend

        you are a fichus.

        c) If you think someone is seeing through your clever charade, start

        chanting "Fiiiiichus. Fiiiiiichus.  I am a fiiiiichus." until they

        believe you.


-2) There was only one official scavenger hunt.  Despite what the Lowell says, finding him a hot apple pie and a bag of chips

will not win you a prize.


-3) There are two types of grads: smart grads and very muddy grads.


and the snobby beer quote of the week is:

"Anyone can drink beer, but it takes intelligence to enjoy beer."

-- Stephen Beaumont


PS:     I don't have a dog.  Tiberiu, if you are reading this, I really

        hope I am not annoying you.


David  "I am the fichus.  Goo goo goo joob" Sprague