Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 13:23:01 -0800 (PST)

From: David Sprague <>


Subject: Beverage treats and obligatory retreats....


Hello all.  I know it will be disappointing (much like the election this week) but your always loveable beer czar will finally

be missing a trip to Koerner's this week.  I have therefore nominated the always tall and now "red headed"* Vance Lockton as

interim beer czar.  Give him the same respect that you would normally show me.....none.




I am not sure if he will be sending a mass email this week so I decided to compose this week's email like normal.  Hopefully he

will still be able to wow us all with a creative email after me.  I just thought I would be safe.  I think everyone should meet

at the front of CICSR at 5 and we can walk over to the pub.  "We" you ask?  Absolutely.  I am being picked up to go on this

Gilbert and Sullivan retreat at the flagpole near Koerner's.  I can't grab a beer but I can walk over with the 2-3 people that

tend to show up on time at 5.


I would also like to follow up on Tuesday Tea's recruitment campaign by encouraging new grads that have not attended a Friday

beer to give it a try.  First years who normally attend:  drag some people from their bullpens.  This week is as good a time as

any to socialize with your classmates.  The line-ups should be small, the beer should be good, and that REAL redhead that keeps

pestering you to go won't be around.  So on that note, here is this week's top ten list.  It didn't feel funny when writing it

so please don't hold this list against me and BOY are you guys in for a self-deprecating fiesta:





10.     You can finally get a word in edge wise


9.      Hopefully now no one will snicker every time someone says jugs,

        cocktail, banger sausages or beer head.


b)      Or for that matter: pianist, moon, NP-hard or Uranus.....I really

        gotta grow up.


7.      Vance, the temporary beer czar doubles as a bouncer..... out Brad.


8.      All the top ten lists, none of the B.O.


6.      Women: No more having to put up with a lecherous slimy guy

        constantly grabbing your ass.......Steve Gao probably won't go

        without me.


5.       With me not attending, Tibi can finally come out of hiding and

        grab a beer.


4.      Fewer conversations about trying to meet women, more conversations

        about inline assembly.


3.     Vance may ask you to pull his finger, but this is a step up from

        me asking you to pull a different appendage.


2.      One less guy means that the male/female ratio will improve from

        "football locker room" to "physics department".


1.      After this week's elections, at least power mad leader will not be

        coming back this week.


0.      No more conversations about that damn dry humping platypus.


-1.     With me gone, the BBQ staff may actually smile.


-3.     Vance may ask you to pull his finger, but this is a step up from me

        asking you to pull a different appendage.


-2.     Less "Yo mamma", more "Yo Yo Ma"


-3.     No more drunken games of "find the pretzel in the crevice".  You now

        only have to wash your hands after touching your OWN ass.


-4.     Vance doesn't drink beer.  He won't roshambo you to determine who's

        paying. **


** I am referring to the South Park version of roshambo.  I just found out that the REAL roshambo game is simply "rock paper

scissors".  If I knew that before Steve (Wilson), you may have not have had to pay for beer AND you would be able to have kids

now.  Silly me.




This week's snobby beer quote:


"In my opinion, most of the great men of the past were only there for the beer."

  --A.J.P. Taylor, British historian



David "M.I.A. (Missing Ingesting Alcohol)" Sprague



PS  Don't kill me Gao.  I figured you were one of the safest people to joke about that since you don't fit the profile.....I am

never seeing my hat again am I?


Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 15:36:10 -0800 (PST)

From: Vance Lockton <>


Subject: Bush Won.  We all need a drink.


Greetings from your interim beer czar.  As Dave mentioned, he can't make it, so I'm taking his place for the week ... in a Dubya

kind of way, in that I wasn't really trusted to run this thing myself, so Dave/Cheney made sure I didn't forget the email or



And with that ends my discussion of the election for the night.  Don't feel offended if I flee from anyone discussing politics.

It's simply my way of keeping everyone clean when my head explodes.  As an alternative, I will offer a contest: a free burger

for anyone who can 1) Correctly pronounce Ben Roethlisberger's name and 2) Compose a haiku about his Steelers beating the

Patriots last Sunday.  I will have sports talk at my

bar, and it will be in haiku form, even if it kills me!


Even non-sports fans, I ask, nay, implore you to come out and have a drink.  It is much better than the alternative: not

drinking.  Really. Trust the beer czar.  I would never lead you astray.  Follow the red hair (or just dye your hair red, ala

Dave Tompkins, who it would seem is now emulating me) and you will be happy.


On that note, I present the my own top ten list ... noting that I ran out of ideas after 10 items (and, arguably, good ideas

much sooner)





10. I finally have a reason to stay at Koerner's past 7:30.


9. 'Absolute power corrupts absolutely';  who am I to disprove a proverb?


8. Penoff, Tibi and Steve Gao get the day off; it's all Sprague jokes, all the time!


7. All the power, none of the accountability.  It's like I'm the President or something. (That'll be the last election joke)


6. As the most powerful czar (at least on Fridays), I get to re-appoint the other czar-ships.  New coffee czar: Seinfeld's

bubble boy.  New tea czar: Mr T.  I pity the fool who doesn't come to Tuesday Tea.


5. Don't have to hear 'Sorry, I only date czars' anymore.


4. It took 15 months, but I finally have something to go on the resume.


3. It says in the charter I get a pig every month.  And two comely lasses of virtue true.  And it's the first Friday of the

month - Payday! (And that'll be the only Simpsons reference)


2. I hereby declare: rum & coke is now a beer.  Therefore, I can order it in pitchers.


1. I'm making tons of money on corporate sponsorships.  Say hello to 'Trojan presents the Keith's czar, as brought to you by





Your friendly, neighbourhood interim beer czar.