Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 13:40:25 -0700 (PDT)

From: David Sprague <>


Subject: Settling in for a cold beer at Koerner's


Hello all.  If you are a red head or have really fair skin, is this heat and sunlight getting you down?  Do you need to cool off

with a refreshing beer?  Most of the rest of you might actually be enjoying these bright sunny warm days and might also enjoy a

cool refreshing beer.  Well come on out to the Koerner's patio....after waiting inside for twenty minutes for someone to leave a

table.  You can enjoy the sunlight surrounded by the people you know and the things you love (beer).  Who could expect you to

work on a day like today?*  So come meet at the front of CICSR at 5:00pm  and we can walk on over to Koerner's together.


* Your supervisor.  That's who.  I hope he/she is out of town.


As some of your are aware (if your window was open on Wednesday afternoon your probably heard the profanity coming from my

mouth) I just recently moved to Thunderbird residence.  Yes, your local beer czar can now has no excuse for being late at 5 and

no reason to leave the bar early. **.  On that note, I thought I would write a list not-related to beer or CS but rather to the

joys and raptures of moving.  Most of these are completely made up, but some are not.  Try and guess which are real!!  Thanks

again to Jeremy, the Penoff, and Vance for your help and I will see everyone at 5.


** Except that I am a cheap drunk and I like leaving before showing off how sad my alcohol tolerance is.






10.  The words "How much was that picture worth?"  will get you a slap upside the head.


9.  When I growl like a rabid dog and I make sailors and hackers blush with my profanity, that just means that I am "in the



8.  That old lady should not have been in my way when I was "in the zone" and her hip will heal eventually.


7.  David has no right to mock Vance's colourful ring when he has that many pairs of shoes.


6.  The words "Hey Brad! Catch!!" should never be used when moving.


5.  You can pack Vance up like a mule but if you whip him from behind and scream "Hiaaa mule" he will mess you up.


4.  If you make fun of Vance's rum and cokes, he will mess you up.


3.  Don't ask what the stains on the mattress are from

......its grape kool-aid......and get your mind out of the gutter.


2.  If you kick it hard enough, it will invariably fit through the door.


1. Three words: Moving Truck Donuts.


0.  Connected phone lines +  Vance moving the 27 inch TV = Wacky Moving Hijinks


-1.  Desk tobogganing down the stairs is most fun if there is an unsuspecting person at the bottom to "catch" you.


-2.  I do not enjoy the guessing game "Snap crackle or pop: What is the sound of this box dropping?"


-3.  If you spend all your time unpacking, your top ten list will stink. :)