Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 13:32:19 -0800 (PST)

From: David Sprague <>



Hello again folks.  I hope you enjoyed last week's trip to Koerner's sans me.  It was quite the turn out, however, I was also

told that the bar itself had quite the turn out and you had to sit outside.  Well that's what people get for showing up with out

me.   I hope a large number of you will be able to make it out this week (think of it as a welcome back party.....for a guy that

only left for 2 days).  Lets meet in the entrance to CICSR and head out at 5.  If there are not enough chairs inside, I say we

use last week's interim beer czar to throw people out of the bar. *  So take a quick break from your studying and exams and

relax with your fellow grad students.


* If he gets banned for throwing people out.....well he has already been beer czar.  He has served his purpose. :) ....and rum

and coke != beer even if you are beer czar.


On to this week's topic.  As a select few of you have discovered this week, I am finally running pilot subjects for an

experiment I have been working on for months (If you are my pilot subject for this afternoon, please do not read further until

after I run the experiment.  Thank you.). Anyway, as I was saying, I am finally running my pilots but according to the

experiment's design I can only use right-handed women with binocular stereo vision.  Well you can imagine that my subject pool

within this department is somewhat limited as a result (although not as limited as finding people with 2 years of Java

programming, UML knowledge and willing to give up 2.5 hours of their lives just before exams start.....and not be

544 project was a tough experiment to recruit for).  Anyways, in tribute to all the wonderful people who have helped out their

fellow CS students, I present the following list:





10.     "Wow.  Another Fitts' Law experiment.  How original."


9.      "Who is this Barry person, and why is this experimenter so afraid of

        his wrath?"


8.      "What kind of favor can I ask in return for helping her with this

        pilot?  Hmmmm.  One of her kidneys? better make it a kidney

        and a lung....."


7.      "You take the good you take the bad you take them both and there

        you have: The Facts of Life, The Facts of Life..."


6.      ".....Wait.  Better idea. I can pretend that I don't know how to

        use a mouse.  That would REALLY mess up their experiment."


5.      "GOD I am sooo bored. Maybe if I stick my head through the monitor

        I can end my misery...."


4.      "Ha HA!  If I only ask for female subjects and I need 20-40 of

        them, one of them is BOUND to be willing to grab coffee with me."




        No.  Wait. Sorry.  Those were my thoughts. Never mind.


2.      "Why does the second hand of the wall clock only move once every 5



1.      "So this haptic device sends messages to the user using

        vibrations.... and it's cylindrical......I'm starting to like this



0.      "Wow.  The AROMA system** uses smell to signal system events.

        That's a really cool concept and the blindfold isn't that annoying

        .... but why does every signal smell like Adam's armpits?

        .....and why do I have hair in my mouth?"



-1.      "OK. When I open my eyes I will be at home in bed."

        *opens eyes*

        "Nope.  It's been twenty minutes and he is still explaining how

        his 'easy to use' software works."


-2.     "I know I am in the Imager experiment room and I signed a consent

        form so it should be a legitimate experiment, but the

        "movement limiter" looks like fuzzy handcuffs and the

        "stimulus generator" just looks like a riding crop

        ..... and why the hell is Ed McCormick running an experiment in

        Imager !?!"


-3.     "What does the consent form mean by 'involuntary release of bodily



** This is an actual system.  I was one of their subjects.  They made me do math.  I sometimes still wake up in a cold sweat

because of this experience.




Snobby beer quote of the week


In Vino Veritas

In Cervesio Felicitas

(In wine there is wisdom, In beer there is joy.)

-- ????? Lets pretend I said this.


David "Afraid haptic interfaces are going to replace him" Sprague


PS. Oh and just because I found it interesting: