Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 14:19:14 -0700 (PDT)

From: David Sprague <>


Subject: Fire and beer.  Together at last (maybe offensive to some)!


Well as Micheline has noted, today is the department BBQ.  Thus the kall

to Koerner's will be at 5:00pm and maybe later if the BBQ is still in full

swing.  So put down your mice (mouses?), put away that lengthy research

article you are reading, and come enjoy the sunlight and the open flames*

with everyone in the department. At five we can all relocate to enjoy the

sunlight, smaller open flames and beer of Koerner's with only your fellow



* enjoying open flame does not mean jumping onto the BBQ.  This would be

bad as your corpse would probably ruin some perfectly good burgers and I

am hungry.


To continue with last week's email, I decided to explore the opposite side

of the bar pick-up phenomenon.  So for all you guys and girls who want to

tell some person in a bar to stop annoying you:




10. If dating success was improved using random selection, I would say


9.  No I don't want to look at the size of your hard drive.

8.  I don't want to experience your insertion sort algorithm either....and

I hear that's it's quicksort anyway.

7.  Quake monsters look better than you, and I can at least attack THEM.

6.  It doesn't matter what approach you take, this conversation FSA will

end in a rejection state.

5.  For the tenth time NO....and what kind of stupid last name is Sprague. 

4.  This is not Turing's thesis.  I predict you will eventually halt and

if you don't I'll call the cops.

3.  You might be compiled well but we just don't link.

2.  80 73 83 83 32 79 70 70 33

1. <ctrl> $. !u.  <ESC> || I <Insert> <Tab> N <Backspace>.   **

0.  Talking to you makes me think that the Turing test is possible.

-1. And finally Alena's ACTUAL quote to someone: "I am not interested.

Even though you may be locally optimal, I am still searching for a

globally optimal solution."  


** Tab is referring to an actual can of Tab cola


David "list recipient" Sprague