Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 14:46:38 -0700 (PDT)

From: David Sprague <>


Subject: A pilgrimage for beer.


Hello all, and happy Thanksgiving.  I hope you have a great holiday, whether you are with your family, hanging out with friends,

or studying insanely so you can pass your midterms and projects.   Koerner's should be fairly laid back tonight since so many

students are likely going home for the weekend.  This, of course, means shorter lines.  It may also mean that less people from

CS show up but lets pretend that this will not be the case.  Lets meet at our usual time of 5 (inside CICSR at the front

entrance due to the rain) and walk over.  Lets hope Warren brings his colossal umbrella as well so we will all stay dry.


For those that are not easily offended, my grand holiday pick up line tradition will continue this week with Thanksgiving

Pick-up lines.  Anyone who is interested in receiving this email, please email me and I will send it to you (some of you will

get no matter if you want it or not, so wait about a half hour before you request the email).


Since this is Thanksgiving weekend for us Canadians (American grads may be initially confused by this.... and how we pronounce

the letter z ), it is a time to gather with friends, family, and loved ones and give thanks for what we have*.  So on THAT note,

here is a top ten about what I want to bitch and complain about.  Enjoy.


* and dredge up all the horrible things you can say about them that you have gathered over the past year.  It is just not

Thanksgiving without my sisters screaming at each other.






10.  American Thanksgiving involves football or shopping.  Canadian Thanksgiving: curling and trips to the proctologist/gynecologist


9.  For five years your mom has been trying to combine Christmas and Thanksgiving.  You will probably have to try her Turkeynog

again this year ("I added a bit more gravy and sugar to see if that helps").


8.  Brad keeps calling this holiday the "fake" Thanksgiving.


7.  Two weeks after the holiday and countless sandwiches later, you are now starting to try and make Turkey ice cream to get rid of that damn bird.


6.  You mom tries to pawn off a baked apple for dessert to make the meal healthier....and she keeps insisting that you don't drink straight from the gravy boat.


5.  Because your mom makes less stuffing every year, you have to keep killing off relatives to ensure you get some.  You are almost doing in immediate family.... and that's just wrong.


4. Two words: Turkey Farts.


3.  It may be an east coaster thing, but I still don't see why so many Vancouverites have their Thanksgiving dinner half way up

the Chief.  Can't you guys EVER sit down and relax?


2.  Thanksgiving dinner just doesn't feel right when the word Michalina's

is written on the side of your "plate".


1.  Your aunt Mary drinks so much that every time she exhales, the candles flames grow higher.  That wouldn't be so bad, but at

that stage her lack of bladder control really takes you out of the Thanksgiving mood.


0.  Every time your uncle Ken decides to "stuff the bird"... if you know what I mean.


-1.  Your family still makes you sit at the kiddie table.....and there are no kids over for dinner.....and the kiddie table this

year looks remarkably like the dog house.....





This week's Snobby Beer Quote (SBQ)


"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

-- Benjamin Franklin


David "Flatulence is Funny" Sprague