There's a more recent version of this course.
Instructor: Danica Sutherland (she):, ICICS X539.Previously offered in in 2022W1 and (with the name 532S) in 2021W2; this instance will be broadly similar.
Date | Topic | Supplements | |
Tu | Sep 5 | No class: Imagine Day | |
Th | Sep 7 | Course intro, ERM | SSBD 1-2; MRT 2 |
F | Sep 8 | Assignment 1 posted: pdf, tex | |
Tu | Sep 12 | Class canceled: sick | |
Th | Sep 14 | Uniform convergence with finite classes [Online: sick] | SSBD 2-4; MRT 2 |
M | Sep 18 | Assignment 1 due at noon | |
M | Sep 18 | Drop deadline | |
Tu | Sep 19 | Concentration inequalities | SSBD B; MRT D Zhang 2; Wainwright 2 |
Th | Sep 21 | PAC learning; covering numbers | SSBD 3, MRT 2 Bach 4.4.4, Zhang 3.4/4/5 |
Sa | Sep 23 | Assignment 2 posted: pdf, tex | |
Tu | Sep 26 | Rademacher complexity | MRT 3.1; SSBD 26; Bach 4.5; Zhang 6 |
Th | Sep 28 | ||
Tu | Oct 3 | VC dimension | SSBD 6; MRT 3.2-3.3 |
Th | Oct 5 | finish VC; No Free Lunch; “Fundamental Theorem” | SSBD 5; MRT 3.4 Bach 4.6 / 12; Zhang 12 |
Tu | Oct 10 | Structural Risk Minimization / Min Description Length | SSBD 7; MRT 4 |
W | Oct 11 | Assignment 2 due at midnight | |
Th | Oct 12 | No class: UBC follows a Monday schedule | |
Tu | Oct 17 | finish SRM, MDL; briefly start margins | |
Th | Oct 19 | Margins, SVMs | MRT 5; SSBD 15, 26 |
M | Oct 23 | Assignment 3 posted: pdf, tex | |
Tu | Oct 24 | More margins/SVMs | MRT 5; SSBD 15, 26 |
Th | Oct 26 | Kernels | Bach 7, MRT 6, SSBD 16 |
F | Oct 27 | Withdrawal deadline | |
Tu | Oct 31 | More kernels | |
Th | Nov 2 | Talk by Yejin Choi on limits of LLMs, Fred Kaiser Building 2020/2030 | |
Tu | Nov 7 | Universal approximation | Telgarsky 2; SSBD 20; Bach 9.3; SC 4.6 |
Th | Nov 9 | Finish approximation; Is ERM enough? [Online: at a workshop] | |
F | Nov 10 | Assignment 3 due at midnight | |
Tu | Nov 14 | No class: midterm break | |
Th | Nov 16 | Stability, regularization, convex problems | SSBD 12-13, MRT 14 |
Tu | Nov 21 | ||
Th | Nov 23 | (Stochastic) gradient descent | SSBD 14, Bach 5 |
M | Nov 27 | Assignment 4 posted: pdf, tex | |
Tu | Nov 28 | Nonconvex optimization, start neural tangent kernels | |
Th | Nov 30 | Neural tangent kernels | Telgarsky 4, Bach 11.3 |
Tu | Dec 5 | Implicit regularization | Bach 11.1 |
Th | Dec 7 | Grab-bag | |
M | Dec 18 | Final exam (in person, handwritten) — 1-3:30pm, ICCS 246 | |
W | Dec 20 | Assignment 4 due at midnight |
The course meets in person in Swing 210, with possible rare exceptions (e.g. if I get sick but can still teach, I'll move it online). Note that this room does not have a recording setup.
Grading scheme: 70% assignments, 30% final.
There will be four or five written assignments through the term; answers should be written in LaTeX, and handed in on Gradescope. There will also be a small number (one or two) of assignments that involve reading a paper, reacting to it, and poking at it slightly further; details to come.
The brief idea of the course: when should we expect machine learning algorithms to work? What kinds of assumptions do we need to be able to be able to rigorously prove that they will work?
Definitely covered: PAC learning, VC dimension, Rademacher complexity, concentration inequalities, margin bounds, stability. Also, most of: PAC-Bayes, analysis of kernel methods, limitations of uniform convergence, analyzing deep nets via neural tangent kernels, provable gaps between kernel methods and deep learning, online learning, feasibility of private learning, compression-based bounds.
There are no formal prerequisites. I will roughly assume:
Books that the course will definitely pull from:
New books where I may or may not pull from sections, TBD:
Some other points of view you might like:
If you need to refresh your linear algebra or other areas of math:
Measure-theoretic probability is not required for this course, but there are instances and related areas where it could be helpful:
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