
Huang Fang


Baidu Research


I am currently a research scientist in the Cognative Computing Lab, Baidu Research. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of British Columbia, where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Michael Friedlander. I also worked with Prof. Cho-Jui Hsieh from UCLA when I was a master student at UCDavis during 2015-2017. You can contact me by fangazq877@gmail.com or fanghuang@baidu.com.


  • Optimization
  • Learning theory
  • Data mining


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2021

    University of British Columbia

  • M.S. in Statistics and Computer Science, 2017

    University of California, Davis

  • B.Sc. in Financial Mathematics, 2015

    Central University of Finance and Economics (China)


(2022). Improving Fairness for Data Valuation in Federated Learning. In IEEE International Conference on Data Engineerin (ICDE) 2022.


(2020). Online mirror descent and dual averaging: keeping pace in the dynamic case. In ICML 2020. Extended version appeared in JMLR 2022.

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