CMPT120: Introduction To Computing Science And Programming I, Summer 2012


Instructor: Hassan Khosravi

Lectures:Lectures: Monday, Wedsnday, Friday 12:30-13:20 in EDB 7618

Midterm: 29th of June during lecture time

Final: 7th of August 15:30 - 18:30

Office hour: Wed 14:20-16:20 Room 9000 TASC1 , Email

Teaching Assistant: Ehsan Iranmanesh, Colin Brown, Md. Rahman

Emails:{ eia2, cjbrown, masumr}

Office hours: Mondays 11:00-12:00, Fridays 10:30-11:30, Tuesdays 15:00-16:00




Lecture Slides


Assignments and Midterm

Uesful Material



[Required Textbook] Introduction to Computing Science and Programming I [pdf]  [individual Units]
[Required Textbook] How to Think Like a Computer Scientist -- Learning with Python [pdf]  [HTML]
[Reference Textbook] Learn Python The Hard Way [buy or download] 


  • Python for all operating systems
  • Most people will want the "Python 2.x.y Windows installer

    Lecture Slides

    Introduction [ppt file]  [pdf file]
    Pseudocode [ppt file]  [pdf file]
    How computers run programs [ppt file]  [pdf file]
    Basics of Python [ppt file]  [pdf file]
    Control Structures in Python[ppt file]  [pdf file]
    Functions and Decomposition [ppt file]  [pdf file]
    Lists [ppt file]  [pdf file]
    Algorithms [ppt file]  [pdf file]

    Labs and quizzes

    [Lab1 due May 23rd(1%)] 
    [Lab2 due May 30th(1%)] 
    [Quiz1 (2%)] 
    [Lab3 due June 27th (2%)] 
    [Lab4 due July 11th (2%)] 
    [Lab5 due August 1st (1%)] 


    [Assignemnt 1 due wednesday June 13th] 

    [Assignemnt 2 due wednesday July 4th] 
    [Assignemnt 3 due Monday July 30th] 

    Uesful Material

  • Email Guildelines
  • General Policies and Procedures
  • Academic Enhancement Program
  • which is incorporated into CMPT 120
  • CSIL map
  • Creating a text file
  • Creating a zip file with Windows XP
  • Creating a zip file with WinRAR
  • Creating a zip file with WinZip

  • The Python programming language
  • Official Website
  • Python for Non-Programmers
  • A collection of links to materials for people wanting to learn Python as a first language
  • The Python Tutorial
  • maybe "tutorial" is a bit of an overstatement (it would be a good tutorial if you already knew how to program in another language).