Results for special cases exist; for example, 2-opt local search for the TSP
is expected to require a polynomial number of steps (to be precise:
O(n10 log n)) to find a local minimum
in the worst-case for any Euclidean TSP instance [Chandra et al., 1999].
Other work on this subject is referenced in
Chandra et al. [1999].
The formalisation in Definition 4.4 is based on the assumption
that the given optimisation problem is stated as a minimisation problem
(as stated on p.16, this assumption is made, without loss of generality,
throughout the book).
The dotted lines are exactly those edges with weight < 0.01 that are required
to make the partial PCGs connected;
there are other edges of weight < 0.01 between the nodes of these partial PCGs
that are not shown.
Notes and Comments: