All publications:
On the empirical time complexity
of finding optimal solutions vs proving optimality for Euclidean TSP instances.
Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle
- Optimization Letters, to appear.
[TSP, empirical algorithmics]
(on-line version will be available soon)
Improving the State of the Art in Inexact TSP Solving using Per-Instance Algorithm Selection.
Lars Kotthoff, Pascal Kerschke, Holger H. Hoos and Heike Trautmann
- Proceedings of the
9th Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference (LION-9), to appear.
[TSP, stochastic local search, evolutionary algorithms, algorithm selection, empirical algorithmics]
(on-line version will be available soon)
Programming by Optimisation meets Parameterised Algorithmics: A Case Study for Cluster Editing.
Sepp Hartung & Holger H. Hoos:
- Proceedings of the
9th Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference (LION-9), to appear.
[cluster editing, programming by optimisation, parameterised complexity, empirical algorithmics]
(on-line version will be available soon)
From Sequential Algorithm Selection to Parallel Portfolio Selection.
Marius Lindauer, Holger H. Hoos and Frank Hutter
- Proceedings of the
9th Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference (LION-9), to appear.
[algorithm selection, algorithm portfolios, SAT, MAXSAT, ASP, CSP, QBF, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(on-line version will be available soon)
SAT Modulo Monotonic Theories.
Sam Bayless, Noah Bayless, Holger H. Hoos and Alan J. Hu
- Proceedings of the
29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15), to appear.
[SAT, SMT, procedural content generation, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(on-line version will be available soon)
Efficient Benchmarking of Hyperparameter Optimizers via Surrogates.
Katharina Eggensperger, Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the
29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15), to appear.
[machine learning, automated algorithm configuration, statistical methods, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(on-line version will be available soon)
On the Empirical Scaling of Run-time for Finding Optimal Solutions to the Traveling Salesman Problem.
Holger H. Hoos & Thomas Stützle
- European Journal on Operational Research, Volume 238, Issue 1, pp. 87-94, 2014.
[TSP, empirical performance models, statistical methods, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 7196k, preprint)
An Efficient Approach for Assessing Hyperparameter Importance.
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2014), pp. 754-762, 2014.
[machine learning, automated algorithm configuration, statistical methods, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 584k)
Improved Features for Runtime Prediction of Domain-Independent Planners.
Chris Fawcett, Mauro Vallati, Frank Hutter,
Jörg Hoffmann, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the
24th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2014), pp. 355-359, 2014.
[AI planning, empirical performance models, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 616k)
Understanding the Empirical Hardness of NP-Complete Problems.
Kevin Leyton-Brown, Holger H. Hoos, Frank Hutter and Lin Xu
- Communications of the ACM 57(5): 98-107, May 2014.
[satisfiability, TSP, MIP, machine learning, empirical performance models, statistical methods, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 3000k)
Algorithm Runtime Prediction: Methods & Evaluation.
Frank Hutter, Lin Xu, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Artificial Intelligence, Volume 206, pp. 79-111, January 2014.
[satisfiability, TSP, MIP, machine learning, empirical performance models, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 842k, preprint;
project page )
Evaluating Instance Generators by Configuration.
Sam Bayless, Dave A.D. Tompkins and Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of the 8th Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference (LION 8),
LNCS 8426, pp. 47-61, Springer, 2014.
[satisfiability, automated algorithm configuration, empirical algorithmics, artificial intelligence]
(get PDF file - 217k)
AClib: a Benchmark Library for Algorithm Configuration.
Frank Hutter, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Chris Fawcett,
Marius Lindauer, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown and Thomas Stützle:
- Proceedings of the 8th Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference (LION 8),
LNCS 8426, pp. 36-40, Springer, 2014.
[automated algorithm configuration, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 126k)
Algorithm Configuration in the Cloud: A Feasibility Study.
Daniel Geschwender, Lars Kotthoff, Yuri Malitsky
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown:
- Proceedings of the 8th Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference (LION 8),
LNCS 8426, pp. 41-46, Springer, 2014.
[cloud computing, automated algorithm configuration, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 126k)
Filling Your Shelves: Synthesizing Diverse Style-Preserving Artifact Arrangements.
Lucas Majerowicz, Ariel Shamir, Alla Sheffer and
Holger H. Hoos
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 20(11):1507-1518, 2014.
[graphics, machine learning, optimisation, stochastic local search, empirical algorithmics]
(electronic version)
This paper was chosen as the November 2014 spotlight paper by IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Enhanced flowType/RchyOptimyx: A Bioconductor pipeline for discovery in high-dimensional cytometry data (Applications Note).
Kieran O'Neill, Adrin Jalali, Nima Aghaeepour, Holger Hoos and Ryan R. Brinkman
- Bioinformatics 30(9):1329-30, 2014.
[flow cytometry, bioinformatics, empirical algorithmics]
(PDF file - 325k, preprint)
Efficient Modular SAT Solving for IC3.
Sam Bayless, Celina G. Val, Thomas Ball, Holger H. Hoos and Alan J. Hu
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD) 2013,
pp. 149-156, 2013.
[satisfiability, verification, model checking, SAT modulo SAT, SMT, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 324k)
Auto-WEKA: combined selection and hyperparameter optimization of classification algorithms.
Chris Thornton, Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the 19th SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge, Discovery, and Data Mining (KDD 2013), pp. 847-855, 2013.
[algorithm selection, algorithm configuration,
sequential model-based optimisation, machine learning, bioinformatics, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 899k; project page)
Ensemble-based Prediction of RNA Secondary Structures.
Nima Aghaeepour and Holger H. Hoos
- BMC Bioinformatics 14:139, 2013. (16 pages)
[RNA secondary structure prediction, machine learning, bioinformatics, empirical algorithmics]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access)
Towards an Empirical Foundation for Assessing Bayesian Optimization of Hyperparameters
Katharina Eggensperger and Matthias Feurer and Frank Hutter and James Bergstra and Jasper Snoek and Holger Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the NIPS workshop on Bayesian Optimization in Theory and Practice, 2013. (5 pages)
Earlier versions appeared at the IJCAI 2011 RCRA Workshop and at the ICAPS 2011 Workshop on Planning and Learning.
[machine learning, algorithm configuration, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 293k; HPOlib website)
A Framework for Automatic Generation of Efficient Domain-Specific Planners from Generic Parametrized Planners.
Mauro Vallati, Chris Fawcett, Alfonso Gerevini, Holger H. Hoos and Alessandro Saetti
- Proceedings of the 6th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS-13), pp. 184-192, 2013.
Earlier versions appeared at the IJCAI 2011 RCRA Workshop and at the ICAPS 2011 Workshop on Planning and Learning.
[planning, stochastic local search, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 867k)
Analysing differences between algorithm configurations through ablation.
Chris Fawcett and Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of the 10th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2013), pp. 123-132, 2013.
[algorithm configuration, planning, MIP, satisfiability, racing, machine learning, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 784k)
This paper was one of four officially nominated for the MIC 2013 best paper award.
Critical Assessment of Automated Flow Cytometry Analysis Techniques.
Nima Aghaeepour, Greg Finak, The FlowCAP Consortium, The DREAM Consortium, Holger H. Hoos, Tim R. Mosmann, Raphael Gottardo, Ryan R. Brinkman and Richard H. Scheuermann
- Nature Methods,
to appear, 2013. (21 manuscript pages + 90 pages supplementary information)
[flow cytometry, bioinformatics, empirical algorithmics]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access)
Ordered racing protocols for automatically configuring algorithms for scaling performance.
James Styles and Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2013, 551-558, 2013.
An earlier version appeared as a short paper in the Proceedings
of LION 7.
[racing, algorithm configuration, TSP, MIP, satisfiability, machine learning, bioinformatics, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 593k)
Facets of Fairness: Equal Share, Equal Chance and Uniform Mechanisms.
Holger H. Hoos
- An Exploration of Fairness. Interdisciplinary Inquiries in Law, Science and the Humanities (edited by Janis Sarra),
Chapter 7, pp. 88-100, Carswell, 2013.
[interdisciplinary, statistics]
(get PDF file - 160k)
Identifying Key Algorithm Parameters and Instance Features using Forward Selection
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION 7),
pp. 364-381, 2013.
[satisfiability, TSP, MIP, automated configuration, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 978k)
Robust Benchmark Set Selection for Boolean Constraint Solvers.
Holger Hoos, Benjamin Kaufmann, Torsten Schaub and Marius Schneider
- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION 7),
pp. 138-152, 2013.
[satisfiability, answer set programming, benchmarking, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 264k)
RchyOptimyx: cellular hierarchy optimization for flow cytometry.
Nima Aghaeepour, Adrin Jalali, Kieran O'Neill, Pratip K. Chattopadhyay, Mario Roederer,
Holger H. Hoos and Ryan R. Brinkman
- Cytometry Part A 81A(12):1022-30, 2012.
[flow cytometry, biomarkers, bioinformatics, empirical algorithmics]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access)
Predicting Satisfiability at the Phase Transition.
Lin Xu, Holger Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2012),
pp.584-590, 2012.
[3-SAT, propositional satisfiability, performance evaluation,
performance prediction, AI, empirical algorithmics ]
(get PDF file - 1173k)
Evaluating Component Solver Contributions
to Portfolio-Based Algorithm Selectors.
Lin Xu, Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2012),
pp. 228-241, 2012. (14 pages + 1 page supplement)
[SATzilla, portfolio-based algorithm selection,
performance evaluation, performance prediction, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 717k, preprint incl. supplementary material)
The portfolio-based SAT solvers described in this work
have lead the field in the 2012 SAT Challenge, placing 1st in 2 of the 3 main tracks, 2nd in the 3rd main track, and 1st in the sequential portfolio track.
aspeed: ASP-based Solver Scheduling.
Holger Hoos, Roland Kaminski, Torsten Schaub and
Marius Schneider
- Technical Communications of the 28th International Conference on Logic Programming
pp. 176--187, 2012.
[SAT, ASP, algorithm scheduling, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 474k)
Programming by Optimization.
Holger H. Hoos
- Communications of the ACM 55(2):70-80, February 2012.
This article supersedes the 2010
technical report, in which PbO was first introduced.
[comprehensive introduction to the PbO paradigm; the appendix contains the current description of the generic PbO programming language extension]
electronic version;
on-line appendix; PbO web page - includes tools and examples)
Automated Algorithm Configuration and Parameter Tuning.
Holger H. Hoos
- Autonomous Search (edited by Y. Hamadi, E. Monfroy and F. Saubion), Chapter 3, pp. 37-71,
Springer Verlag, 2012.
[computer-aided algorithm design, empirical algorithmics]
(PDF file - 236k, preprint)
Analysis of Energy-based Algorithms for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction.
Monir Hajiaghayi, Anne Condon and Holger H. Hoos
- BMC Bioinformatics, 13:22, 2012. (11 pages)
[RNA secondary structure, bioinformatics, empirical algorithmics]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access)
Early Immunologic Correlates of HIV Protection can be Identified from Computational Analysis of Complex Multivariate T-cell Flow Cytometry Assays.
Nima Aghaeepour, Pratip K. Chattopadhyay, Anuradha Ganesan, Kieran O'Neill, Habil Zare, Adrin Jalali, Holger H. Hoos, Ryan R. Brinkman and Mario Roederer
- Bioinformatics, to appear, 2012. (15 manuscript pages)
[flow cytometry, HIV, bioinformatics]
(abstract and electronic version; project page, including software and data)
Automatically Configuring Algorithms for Scaling Performance.
James Styles, Holger H. Hoos and Martin Müller
- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION 6),
pp. 205-219, 2012.
[computer-aided algorithm design, algorithm configuration, parameter tuning, performance scaling, TSP, MIP, computer Go, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 259k)
Parallel Algorithm Configuration.
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION 6),
pp. 55-70, 2012.
[computer-aided algorithm design, algorithm configuration, parameter tuning, parallel computation, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 531k)
Quantifying Homogeneity of Instance Sets for Algorithm Configuration.
Marius Schneider and Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION 6),
pp. 190-204, 2012.
[computer-aided algorithm design, algorithm configuration, parameter tuning, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 2m)
Captain Jack - New Variable Selection Heuristics in Local Search for SAT.
Dave A. D. Tompkins, Adrian Balint and Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2011), LNCS 6695, pp. 302-316, Springer, 2011.
[SAT, stochastic local search, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 243k; project page - includes software, data and supplementary information)
Automatic Generation of Efficient Domain-Optimized Planners from Generic Parametrized Planners.
Mauro Vallati, Chris Fawcett, Alfonso Gerevini, Holger H. Hoos and Alessandro Saetti
- Proceedings of the 18th RCRA Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving
Problems with Combinatorial Explosion (RCRA 2011), held in conjunction with IJCAI 2011, pp. 111-123, 2011.
[planning, stochastic local search, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 461k)
Hydra-MIP: Automated Algorithm Configuration and Selection for Mixed Integer Programming.
Lin Xu, Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the 18th RCRA Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving
Problems with Combinatorial Explosion (RCRA 2011), held in conjunction with IJCAI 2011, pp. 16-30, 2011.
[MIP, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, OR, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 325k)
FD-Autotune: Domain-Specific Configuration using Fast Downward.
Chris Fawcett, Malte Helmert, Holger Hoos, Erez Karpas, Gabriele Röger
and Jendrik Seipp
- Proceedings of the ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Learning (PAL 2011), pp. 13-20, 2011.
[planning, heuristic search, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 379k)
HAL: A Framework for the Automated Design
and Analysis of High-Performance Algorithms.
Christopher Nell, Chris Fawcett, Holger Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION 5),
LNCS 6683, pp. 600-615, Springer, 2011.
[computer-aided algorithm design, algorithm configuration, parameter tuning, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 379k)
Sequential Model-Based Optimization for General Algorithm Configuration.
Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION 5),
LNCS 6683, pp. 507-523, Springer, 2011.
[computer-aided algorithm design, algorithm configuration, parameter tuning, empirical algorithmics, AI]
(get PDF file - 346k)
This paper was recognised as runner-up for the LION 5 best paper award.
Rapid Cell Population Identification in Flow Cytometry Data.
Nima Aghaeepour, Radina Nikolic, Holger and Ryan Brinkman
- Cytometry Part A 79A(1): 6-13, 2011.
[flow cytometry, regression, clustering, bioinformatics]
(see abstract
and electronic version)
A Note on Improving the Performance of Approximation
Algorithms for Radiation Therapy.
Therese Biedl, Stephane Durocher, Holger H. Hoos,
Shuang Luan, Jared Saia and Maxwell Young
- Information Processing Letters 111(7):326-333, 2011.
[radiation therapy, approximation algorithms, theory, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 180k)
Tradeoffs in the empirical evaluation of competing algorithm designs.
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (AMAI)
60(1-2): 65-89, 2010.
[computer-aided algorithm design, SAT, MIP, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 2431k, preprint)
Computational approaches for RNA energy parameter estimation.
Mirela Andronescu, Anne Condon, Holger Hoos, David Mathews and Kevin Murphy
- RNA 16(12): 2304-2318, 2010.
[RNA secondary structure, parameter estimation, bioinformatics]
(see abstract and electronic version; project page & data - includes algorithms, data and parameters sets in MultiRNAFold, Vienna RNA and Mfold formats)
Hydra: Automatically Configuring Algorithms for Portfolio-Based Selection.
Lin Xu, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-10),
pp. 210-216, 2010.
[SAT, stochastic local search, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 373k)
Dynamic Scoring Functions with Variable Expressions: New SLS Methods for Solving SAT.
Dave A. D. Tompkins and Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2010), LNCS 6185, pp. 278-292, Springer, 2010.
[SAT, stochastic local search, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 397k; online appendix - 145k)
Automated Configuration of Mixed Integer Programming Solvers.
Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR 2010), LNCS 6140, pp. 186-202, Springer, 2010.
[MIP, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, OR, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 343k; project page - includes parameter files for CPLEX, Gurobi and lpsolve MIP solvers)
Sequential Model-Based Parameter Optimisation: an Experimental Investigation of Automated and interactive Approaches,
Frank Hutter, Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Holger Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown,
Kevin Murphy
- Chapter 15, Empirical Methods for the Analysis of Optimization Algorithms,
pp. 363-414, Springer-Verlag, 2010,
[parameter optimisation, Gaussian process models, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 956k, preprint)
Time-Bounded Sequential Parameter Optimization.
Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Kevin Murphy
- Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization
(LION 4), LNCS 6073, pp. 281-298, Springer, 2010.
[parameter optimisation, Gaussian process models, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 511k)
This paper was recognised as runner-up for the LION 4 best paper award.
ParamILS: An Automatic Algorithm Configuration Framework.
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown and Thomas Stützle
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Volume 36, pp. 267-306, 2009.
[computer-aided algorithm design, algorithm configuration,
parameter tuning, SAT, mixed integer programming, AI, empirical algorithmics]
This article continues and expands the work from the previous
AAAI-07 paper by Hutter, Hoos and Stützle.
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access; project page - includes software)
SATenstein: Automatically Building Local Search SAT Solvers From Components.
Ashiqur R. KhudaBukhsh, Lin Xu, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09), pp. 517-524, 2009.
[SAT, stochastic local search, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 262k)
An Experimental Investigation of Model-Based Parameter Optimisation:
SPO and Beyond.
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown and Kevin Murphy
- Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO'09), ACM, pp. 271-278, 2009.
[parameter optimisation, Gaussian process models, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 332k)
Computer-Aided Design of High-Performance Algorithms.
Holger H. Hoos
- Technical Report TR-2008-16, Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia.
[computer-aided algorithm design, parameter tuning, empirical algorithmics]
(get PDF file - 148k)
A Modular Multiphase Heuristic Solver for Post Enrollment Course Timetabling
(Extended Abstract).
Marco Chiarandini, Chris Fawcett and Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2008), Université de Montréal, August 18 - 22, 2008.
[timetabling, stochastic local search, computer-aided algorithm design, empirical algorithmics]
The solver described in this paper placed 3rd
in the post-enrolment-based course timetabling track of the
2nd International Timetabling Competition (ITC2007).
(get PDF file - 91k)
RNA STRAND: The RNA Secondary Structure
and Statistical Analysis Database.
Mirela Andronescu, Vera Bereg,
Holger H. Hoos and Anne Condon
- BMC Bioinformatics, 9:340, 2008.
[RNA secondary structure, database, bioinformatics]
The database described in this article can be accessed
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access)
Correlation between the secondary structure of pre-mRNA and efficiency of splicing in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Sanja Rogic, Ben Montpetit, Holger H. Hoos,
Alan K. Mackworth, B.F. Francis Ouellette, Philip Hieter -
BMC Genomics, 9:355, 2008.
[RNA secondary structure, splicing, yeast, bioinformatics]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access)
SATzilla: Portfolio-based Algorithm Selection for SAT
Lin Xu, Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown -
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Volume 32, pp. 565–606, 2008.
[SAT, run-time prediction, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
This paper won the 2010 IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Prize, and the portfolio-based SAT solvers described in it won 3 gold medals, 1 silver and 1 bronze in the
2007 SAT competition.
This article is a significantly expanded version of our earlier CP-07 paper with improved methodology and algorithms. The same methodology underlies
a later version of SATzilla, which won 3 gold and 2 silver medals in the
2009 SAT competition.
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access; project page - includes software, data)
On Effectively Finding Maximal Quasi-Cliques in Graphs
Mauro Brunato, Holger H. Hoos, Roberto Battiti -
Post-conference proceedings of the 2nd Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference
(LION 2), LNCS 5313, pp. 41-55, Springer, 2008.
[maximum clique problem, stochastic local search, AI]
(get PDF file - 452k)
Cognitive Principles for Information Management: The Principles of Mnemonic Associative Knowledge (P-MAK).
Michael Huggett, Holger H. Hoos, Ron Rensink -
Minds and Machines 17(4):445-485, 2007/12.
[information retrieval, semantic networks, human-centred information management, human-computer interaction, AI]
(abstract and electronic version)
A replica exchange Monte Carlo algorithm for protein folding in the HP model.
Chris Thachuk, Alena Shmygelska, Holger H. Hoos -
BMC Bioinformatics, 8:342, 2007.
[protein structure, stochastic local search, bioinformatics]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access)
Boosting Verification by Automatic Tuning of Decision Procedures.
Frank Hutter, Domagoj Babic, Holger H. Hoos and Alan Hu -
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD-07), pp. 27-34, 2007.
[formal verification, computer-aided algorithm design, SAT, stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics]
Using the automated tuning approach described in this paper, the Spear solver
(also described herein) won the QF_BV category of the 2007 Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) Competition.
(get PDF file - 345k)
SATzilla-07: The Design and Analysis of an Algorithm Portfolio for SAT.
Lin Xu, Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown -
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-07),
pp. 712-727, 2007.
[SAT, run-time prediction, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
The portfolio SAT solver described in this paper won 3 gold medals, 1 silver and 1 bronze in the
2007 SAT competition.
(get PDF file - 1597k)
Hierarchical Hardness Models for SAT.
Lin Xu, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown -
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-07),
pp. 696-711, 2007.
[SAT, run-time prediction, systematic search, empirical algorithmics, AI]
(get PDF file - 3439k)
Efficient parameter estimation for RNA secondary structure prediction.
Mirela Andronescu, Anne Condon, Holger H. Hoos, David H. Mathews and Kevin P. Murphy -
Bioinformatics, 23(13):i19-i28, 2007.
(This work was also presented at the 15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, ISMB 2007.)
[RNA secondary structure, parameter estimation, bioinformatics]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access)
Automatic Algorithm Configuration based on Local Search.
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle -
Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07), pp. 1152-1157, 2007.
[automatic algorithm configuration, stochastic local search, empirical algorithmics, AI]
(get PDF file - 176k;
ParamILS project web site - includes software)
An Adaptive Bin Framework Search Method for a Beta-Sheet Protein Homopolymer Model.
Alena Shmygelska and Holger H. Hoos -
BMC Bioinformatics, 8:136, 2007.
[bioinformatics, protein structure, stochastic local search]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access)
Empirical Analysis of Randomized Algorithms.
Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle -
Chapter 14, Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics,
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007.
[empirical algorithmics]
(see more information / buy the book)
Stochastic Local Search.
Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle -
Chapter 19, Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics,
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007.
[stochastic local search]
(see more information / buy the book)
A Parallel Workflow for Real-time Correlation and Clustering of High-Frequency Stock Market Data.
Camilo Rostoker, Alan Wagner and Holger Hoos -
Proceedings of the 21th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
(IPDPS 2007), pp. 1-10, IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
[financial data analysis, maximum clique problem, correlation analysis, parallel computing, stochastic local search]
(get PDF file - 1092k)
Computational RNA Secondary Structure Design: Empirical Complexity and Improved Methods.
Rosalia Aguirre-Hernandez, Holger H. Hoos and Anne Condon -
BMC Bioinformatics, 8:34, 2007.
[bioinformatics, RNA secondary structure, empirical algorithmics]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access)
Performance Prediction and Automated Configuration of Randomized Algorithms.
Frank Hutter, Youssef Hamadi, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown -
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-06),
pp. 213-228, 2006.
[run-time prediction, algorithm configuration, stochastic local search, SAT, empirical algorithmics, AI]
(get PDF file - 1901k)
Local Search Methods.
Holger H. Hoos and Edward Tsang -
Chapter 5, Handbook of Constraint Programming,
Elsevier, 2006.
[stochastic local search, constraint satisfaction, SAT, AI]
(see more information / buy the book)
On the Quality and Quantity of Random Decisions in Stochastic Local Search for SAT.
Dave A.D. Tompkins and Holger H. Hoos -
Proceedings of the
19th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence,
(AI-2006), Volume 4013 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 146-158, 2006.
[stochastic local search, empirical algorithmics, SAT, AI]
This paper won the AI 2006 best paper award.
(get PDF file - 390k)
- Dynamic Local Search for the Maximum Clique Problem.
Wayne Pullan and Holger H. Hoos
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Volume 25, pages 159-185, 2006.
[maximum clique problem, stochastic local search, AI]
(get PDF file - 448k)
Die Logik des Lebens - Zur Schlüsselrolle von KI-Methoden in der Biologie der Zukunft (invited contribution).
Holger H. Hoos
- Künstliche Intelligenz, Heft 4/06, pp. 15-21, 2006.
[bioinformatics, AI, survey article]
(get PDF file - 107k; close-to final version, in German)
- An Analysis of the Hardness of TSP Instances for Two High-performance Algorithms.
Thomas Fischer, Thomas Stützle, Holger Hoos and Peter Merz
- Proceedings of the 6th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2005), pp. 361-367, 2005.
[TSP, empirical algorithmics, stochastic local search, systematic search, AI]
(get PDF file - 103k)
- Efficient Stochastic Local Search for MPE Solving.
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle
- Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI-05), pp. 169-174, 2005.
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, MPE problem]
(get PDF file - 174k)
- HotKnots: Heuristic Prediction of RNA Secondary Structures Including Pseudoknots
Jihong Ren, Baharak Rastegari, Anne Condon and Holger H. Hoos
- RNA, 11(10):1494-1504, 2005.
[RNA secondary structure, bioinformatics]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access; project web site - includes software, data)
Thermodynamically Based DNA Word Design.
Dan Tulpan, Mirela Andronescu, Seo Bong Chang,
Michael R. Shortreed, Anne Condon, Holger H. Hoos and Lloyd M. Smith
- Nucleic Acids Research 33(15):4951-4964, 2005.
[DNA computing, DNA word design, bioinformatics]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access)
A thermodynamic approach to designing structure-free combinatorial DNA word sets.
Michael R. Shortreed, Seo Bong Chang, DongGee Hong, Maggie Phillips, Bridget Campion, Dan C. Tulpan, Mirela Andronescu, Anne Condon, Holger H. Hoos and Lloyd M. Smith
- Nucleic Acids Research 33(15):4965-4977, 2005.
[DNA computing, DNA word design, stochastic local search, bioinformatics]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access)
An Ant Colony Optimisation Algorithm for the 2D and 3D Hydrophobic Polar Protein Folding Problem.
Alena Shmygelska and Holger H. Hoos
- BMC Bioinformatics, 6:30, 2005.
[protein structure, stochastic local search, bioinformatics]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access)
Stochastisch-Lokale Suche.
Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle
- Künstliche Intelligenz, Heft 2/05, pp. 63–65, 2005.
[stochastic local search, survey article, AI]
(get PDF file - 230k; close-to final version, in German)
Stochastic Local Search: Foundations and Applications.
Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle - Elsevier / Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco (CA), USA, 2004.
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(buy it;
more information, including a table of contents and sample pages, available
- A New Algorithm for RNA Secondary Structure Design.
Mirela Andronescu, Anthonty P. Fejes, Frank Hutter, Anne Condon,
and Holger H. Hoos
- Journal of Molecular Biology, 336(3): 607-624, 2004.
[bioinformatics, stochastic local search, RNA secondary structure]
(abstract and electronic version - via Science Direct))
- MusicBLAST - Gapped Sequence Alignment for MIR
(short paper).
Jürgen Kilian and Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2004),
p. 38-41, 2004.
[music information retrieval, pattern matching, AI, music]
(get PDF file - 130k)
- UBCSAT: An Implementation and Experimentation Environment
for SLS Algorithms for SAT and MAX-SAT.
Dave A.D. Tompkins and Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing
(SAT 2004), pp. 37-46, 2004.
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT, MAX-SAT]
(get PDF file - 109k;
UBCSAT project site - includes software)
- Warped Landscapes and Random Acts of SAT Solving.
Dave A.D. Tompkins and Holger H. Hoos
- Proc. of the Eighth International Symposium on Artificial
Intelligence and Mathematics (AIMA-04), 2004.
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get PDF file - 109k)
- CP-nets: A Tool for Representing and Reasoning with Conditional Ceteris Paribus Preference Statements.
Craig Boutilier, Ronen I. Brafman, Carmel Domshlak, Holger H. Hoos, David Poole
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Volume 21, pp. 135-191, 2004.
[AI, knowledge representation, preferences]
(get pdf file - 593k)
This paper won the 2009 IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Prize
- Preference-based Constraint Optimization with CP-nets.
Craig Boutilier, Ronen I. Brafman, Carmel Domshlak, Holger H. Hoos,
and David Poole
- Computational Intelligence 20 (2), pp. 137-157, 2004.
[AI, preferences, knowledge representation]
(abstract and electronic version - via Blackwell Synergy)
- Inference of transcriptional regulation relationships from
gene expression data.
Andrew T. Kwon, Holger H. Hoos, Raymond Ng
- Bioinformatics 19:905-912, 2003.
[bioinformatics, gene regulation]
(This is a slightly modified version of
the SAC 2003 paper listed below.)
- RNAsoft: a suite of RNA secondary structure prediction and design software tools.
Mirela Andronescu, Rosalia Aguirre-Hernandez, Anne Condon,
and Holger H. Hoos
- Nucleic Acids Research, 31 (13): 3416-3422, 2003.
[bioinformatics, RNA secondary structure]
(abstract and electronic version - via NAR website; RNAsoft web site - includes software)
- An Improved Ant Colony Optimisation Algorithm
for the 2D HP Protein Folding Problem.
Alena Shmygelska and Holger H. Hoos
- Proc. of the 16th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AI'2003), LNCS 2671, pp. 400-417, Springer Verlag, 2003.
[bioinformatics, stochastic local search, ACO, protein structure prediction]
(get PDF file - 204k)
- Hybrid Randomised Neighbourhoods Improve Stochastic Local Search
for DNA Code Design.
Dan C. Tulpan and Holger H. Hoos
- Proc. of the 16th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AI'2003), LNCS 2671, pp. 418-433, Springer Verlag, 2003.
[bioinformatics, stochastic local search, DNA code design]
(get PDF file - 149k)
- Inference of Transcriptional Regulation Relationships with Gene Expression Data.
Andrew Tae-Jun Kwon, Holger H. Hoos, Raymond Ng
- Proceedings of the 18th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2003), 2003.
[bioinformatics, gene regulation]
(get PDF file - 224k)
- Using Stochastic Local Search to Solve Quantified Boolean Formulae.
Ian P. Gent, Holger H. Hoos, Andrew G. D. Rowley, Kevin Smyth
- Proc. of the Ninth International Conference on
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-03),
LNCS 2833, pp. 348-362, Springer Verlag, 2003.
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, QBF]
(get PDF file - 195k)
- Iterated Robust Tabu Search for MAX-SAT.
Kevin Smyth, Holger H. Hoos, Thomas Stützle
- Proc. of the 16th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AI'2003), LNCS 2671, pp. 129-144, Springer Verlag, 2003.
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, MAX-SAT]
(get PDF file - 146k)
- Scaling and Probabilistic Smoothing: Dynamic Local Search for Unweighted MAX-SAT.
Dave A.D. Tompkins and Holger H. Hoos
- Proc. of the 16th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AI'2003), LNCS 2671, pp. 145-159, Springer Verlag, 2003.
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, MAX-SAT]
(get PDF file - 193k)
SAPS is now part of the UBCSAT software.
Note: Please check our errata page.
- Stochastic Local Search for Multiprocessor Scheduling for Minimimum Total Tardiness.
Michael Pavlin, Holger H. Hoos, Thomas Stützle
- Proc. of the 16th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AI'2003), LNCS 2671, pp. 96-113, Springer Verlag, 2003.
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, scheduling]
(get PDF file - 105k)
- Voice Separation - A Local Optimization Approach
Jürgen Kilian and Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference
on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2002), pp.39-46,
Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM),
Paris, France, 2002.
[stochastic local search, notation, score-level music representation, computer music]
(get pdf file - 652k)
- An Ant Colony Optimisation Algorithm for the 2D HP Protein Folding Problem
Alena Shmygelska, Rosalia Aguirre-Hernandez, Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of ANTS 2002, LNCS 2453, pp. 40-52, Springer Verlag, 2002.
This paper won the ANTS 2002 Best Paper Award.
[protein structure prediction, ACO, stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, bioinformatics]
(get gzipped postscript file - 87k,
pdf file - 257k)
- Stochastic Local Search Algorithms for DNA Word Design.
Dan C. Tulpan, Holger Hoos, Anne Condon
- DNA Computing / Proc. of Eighth International Meeting on
DNA Based Computers (DNA 8), LNCS 2568, pp. 229-241, Springer Verlag, 2002.
[DNA code design, DNA computing, stochastic local search, coding theory, bioinformatics]
(get pdf file - 256k)
- From RNA Secondary Structure to Coding Theory: A Combinatorial Approach.
Christine E. Heitsch, Anne E. Condon, Holger H. Hoos
- DNA Computing / Proc. of Eighth International Meeting on
DNA Based Computers (DNA 8), LNCS 2568, pp. 229-241, Springer Verlag, 2002.
pp. 215-228, 2002.
[RNA structure, coding theory, bioinformatics]
(get pdf file - 465k)
- Scaling and Probabilistic Smoothing: Efficient Dynamic Local Search for SAT.
Frank Hutter, Dave A.D. Tompkins, Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of CP-02, pp. 233-248, LNCS 2470, Springer Verlag, 2002.
[stochastic local search, SAT, empirical algorithmics, AI]
SAPS is now part of the UBCSAT software.
(get gzipped postscript file - 105k,
pdf file - 468k)
- An Adaptive Noise Mechanism for WalkSAT.
Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of the 18th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI-02), pp. 655-660, AAAI Press / The MIT Press, 2002.
[stochastic local search, SAT, empirical algorithmics, AI]
The algorithms described in this work are now part of the UBCSAT software.
(get pdf file - 106k;
note that there was a small error in the printed version of the paper
that has been corrected in the electronic version available here - see
erratum at the end of the PDF document.)
- A Mixture-Model for the Behaviour of SLS Algorithms for SAT.
Holger H. Hoos
- Proceedings of the 18th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI-02), pp. 661-667, AAAI Press / The MIT Press, 2002.
[stochastic local search, SAT, empirical algorithmics, AI]
(get gzipped postscript file - 113k,
pdf file - 409k)
- Thomas Stützle and Holger Hoos:
Ameisenalgorithmen zur Lösung kombinatorischer
(Künstliche Intelligenz, Heft 1/01, pp. 45-51, 2001)
[stochastic local search, ACO, AI]
(this paper will be available online soon!)
- in German -
- Holger H. Hoos, Kai Renz, Marko Görg:
GUIDO/MIR - an Experimental Musical Information Retrieval System
based on GUIDO Music Notation.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium
on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2001), pp.41-50,
Indiana University, Bloomington (IN), USA, 2001.
(see abstract;
get zipped postscript file - 160k,
pdf file - 187k,
BibTeX entry)
- Holger H. Hoos, Keith A. Hamel, Kai Renz, Jürgen Kilian:
Representing Score-Level Music Using the GUIDO Music-Notation Format
Computing in Musicology, Vol 12, MIT Press, 2001.
(see abstract;
get BibTeX entry)
- Craig Boutilier and Holger H. Hoos:
Bidding Languages for Combinatorial Auctions.
(Proc. of IJCAI-01, pp. 1211-1217, 2001)
[AI, knowledge representation, combinatorial auctions]
(get gzipped postscript file - 38k,
pdf file - 91k)
- Thomas Stützle and Holger Hoos:
MAX-MIN Ant System.
(Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.16 (8), pp. 889-914, 2000)
[stochastic local search, ACO, AI, empirical algorithmics, TSP]
(get gzipped postscript file - 209k,
pdf file - 707k;
these are for the almost-final version)
- Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle:
SATLIB: An Online Resource for Research on SAT.
(In: I.P.Gent, H.v.Maaren, T.Walsh, editors, SAT 2000,
pp. 283-292, IOS Press, 2000)
[AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get gzipped postscript file - 33k,
pdf file - 60k;
these are for the almost-final version; SATLIB web site)
- Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle:
Local Search Algorithms for SAT: An Empirical Evaluation.
(Journal of Automated Reasoning, Vol.24, pp. 421-481, 2000)
A modified version appeared as a book chapter in:
I.P.Gent, H.v.Maaren, T.Walsh, editors, SAT 2000,
pp. 43-86, IOS Press, 2000.
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get gzipped postscript file - 288k,
pdf file - 796k;
these are for the almost-final version)
- Jürgen Kilian, Holger H. Hoos:
VISCO - Visual SALIERI Components.
Proceedings of ICMC 2000, p.454-457, ICMA, San Francisco, 2000.
(see abstract;
get zipped postscript file - 380k,
zipped pdf file - 280k,
BibTeX entry)
- Joseph Culberson, Ian P. Gent, Holger Hoos:
On the Probabilistic Approximate Completeness of WalkSAT for 2-SAT.
(Technical Report APES-15a-2000, APES Research Group, 2000.)
[stochastic local search, AI, SAT]
(get gzipped postscript file - 57k,
pdf file - 161k)
- Holger H. Hoos and Craig Boutilier:
Solving Combinatorial Auctions using Stochastic Local Search.
(Proc. of AAAI-2000, pp. 22-29, MIT Press, 2000)
[AI, stochastic local search, combinatorial auctions]
(get gzipped postscript file - 46k,
pdf file - 104k)
- Holger H. Hoos and Kevin O'Neill:
Stochastic Local Search Methods for Dynamic SAT
- an Initial Investigation.
(AAAI-2000 Workshop 'Leveraging Probability and
Uncertainty in Computation', pp. 22-26, 2000)
An earlier version appeared as Technical Report TR-00-01,
Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia, Feb 2000.
[AI, stochastic local search, SAT]
(get gzipped postscript file - 39k,
pdf file - 73k)
- Thomas Stützle and Holger H. Hoos:
Analyzing the Run-time Behaviour of Iterated Local Search for the TSP.
(Proc. of the 3rd Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 1999), pp. 449-453, 1999)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, TSP]
(This paper will be available online soon!)
- Holger H. Hoos, Keith A. Hamel, Kai Renz:
Using Advanced GUIDO
as a Notation Interchange Format.
Proceedings of ICMC'99, p.395-398, ICMA San Francisco, 1999.
(see abstract;
get zipped postscript file - 110k,
pdf file - 56k,
BibTeX entry)
- Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle:
Developing New Concepts to Characterise Empirical Phenomena.
(Proc. of the IJCAI-99 Workshop on Empirical AI, pp. 59-67, 1999)
[AI, empirical algorithmics]
(see abstract;
get gzipped postscript file - 23k,
pdf file - 43k,
BibTeX entry)
- Holger H. Hoos:
Heavy-Tailed Behaviour in Randomised Systematic Search Algorithms for SAT?
(Technical Report TR-99-16. Department of Computer Science,
University of British Columbia, 1999)
[systematic search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get gzipped postscript file - 150k,
pdf file - 445k)
- Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle:
Towards a Characterisation of the Behaviour of
Stochastic Local Search Algorithms for SAT.
(Artificial Intelligence Journal, Vol.112, pp. 213-232, 1999)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get gzipped postscript file - 91k,
pdf file - 261k;
these are for the almost-final version)
- Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle:
Systematic vs. Local Search for SAT.
(Proc. of KI-99, LNAI 1701, pp. 289-293, Springer, 1999)
A longer version appeared as Technical Report TR-99-06,
Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia, 1999.
[stochastic local search, systematic search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get gzipped postscript file - 60k,
pdf file - 147k)
- Holger H. Hoos:
SAT-Encodings, Search Space Structure, and Local Search Performance.
(Proc. of IJCAI-99, pp. 296-302, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get gzipped postscript file - 53k,
pdf file - 119k)
- Ronen I. Brafman and Holger H. Hoos:
To Encode or not to Encode -- I: Linear Planning.
(Proc. of IJCAI-99, pp. 988-993, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, planning, SAT]
(get gzipped postscript file - 42k,
pdf file - 95k)
- Holger H. Hoos:
On the Run-time Behaviour of Stochastic Local Search
Algorithms for SAT. (Proc. of AAAI-99, pp. 661-666, MIT Press, 1999)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get postscript file - 105k,
pdf file - 111k)
- Ian P. Gent, Holger H. Hoos, Patrick Prosser, Toby Walsh:
Morphing: Combining Structure and Randomness.
(Proc. of AAAI-99, pp. 654-660, MIT Press, 1999)
[AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT, QCP, TSP]
(get postscript file - 160k,
pdf file - 114k)
- Craig Boutilier, Ronen I. Brafman, Holger H. Hoos, David Poole:
Reasoning With Conditional Ceteris Paribus Preference Statements.
(Proc. of UAI-99, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999)
[AI, preferences, knowledge representation]
(see abstract;
get gzipped postscript file - 111k,
pdf file - 144k,
BibTeX entry)
- Holger H. Hoos:
Stochastic Local Search - Methods, Models, Applications.
(PhD thesis, TU Darmstadt, 1998)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics]
For an abstract, downloadable versions of the full
thesis or individual parts, or a summary in German,
see my PhD thesis page.
Now available as a book! (Same title,
infix-Verlag, Sankt Augustin, Germany, 1999;
ISBN 3-89601-215-0)
The thesis is written in English.
It has won the ``Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award 1999'' of
German Informatics Society (GI).
- Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle:
Evaluating Las Vegas Algorithms - Pitfalls and Remedies.
(Proc. of UAI-98)
[AI, empirical algorithmics]
(get postscript file - 278k)
- Thomas Stützle and Holger Hoos:
The MAX-MIN Ant System and Local Search for Combinatorial
Optimization Problems: Towards Adaptive Tools for Combinatorial
Global Optimisation.
(In: S.Voss, S.Martello, I.H.Ossmann, C.Roucairol, editors,
Meta-Heuristic, Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigma
for Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 313-329, 1998)
[stochastic local search, ACO, AI, empirical algorithmics, TSP]
(this paper will be available online soon!)
- Thomas Stützle and Holger Hoos:
Ameisenalgorithmen zur Lösung kombinatorischer Optimierungsprobleme.
(Leipziger Informatiktage 1998)
[stochastic local search, ACO, AI]
(get gzipped postscript file - 59k)
- in german -
- Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle:
Some Surprising Regularities in the Behaviour of Stochastic Local Search.
(Poster summary, Proceedings of CP-98, p. 470)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get postscript file - 34k)
- Holger H. Hoos, Keith A. Hamel, Kai Renz, Jürgen Kilian:
The GUIDO Music Notation Format - A Novel Approach for Adequately
Representing Score-level Music.
Proceedings of ICMC'98, p.451-454, ICMA, San Francisco, 1998.
(get zipped postscript file - 144k,
pdf file - 170k)
- Holger H. Hoos, Jürgen Kilian, Kai Renz, Thomas Helbich:
SALIERI - A General, Interactive Computer Music System.
Proceedings of ICMC'98, p.385-392, ICMA, San Francisco, 1998.
(get zipped postscript file - 172k,
pdf file - 186k)
- Kai Renz, Holger H. Hoos:
A Web-based Approach to Music Notation Using GUIDO.
Proceedings of ICMC'98, p.455-458, ICMA, San Francisco, 1998.
(get zipped postscript file - 138k,
pdf file - 186k)
- Kai Renz, Holger H. Hoos:
An HTTP Interface to SALIERI.
Proceedings of ICMC'98, p.272-275, ICMA, San Francisco, 1998.
(get zipped postscript file - 112k,
pdf file - 122k)
- Ronen I. Brafman, Holger H. Hoos, Craig Boutilier:
LPSP - A Linear, Plan-Level Stochastic Planner.
(17th Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling
Special Interest Group, West York, UK, September 1998)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, planning]
(get postscript file - 201k)
- Holger H. Hoos, Keith A. Hamel, Kai Renz, Jürgen Kilian:
GUIDO Music Notation - Towards an Adequate Representation
of Score-level Music.
Proceedings of JIM'98, LMA-CNSR, 1998.
(get zipped postscript file - 169k,
pdf file - 241k)
- Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle:
A Characterization the Run-time Behaviour of Stochastic Local Search.
(Technical Report AIDA-98-01)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get postscript file - 286k)
- Thomas Stützle and Holger Hoos:
The MAX-MIN Ant System and Local Search for Combinatorial
Optimization Problems:
Towards Adaptive Tools for Combinatorial Global Optimization.
[stochastic local search, ACO, AI, empirical algorithmics, TSP]
(get postscript file - 222k)
- Thomas Stützle and Holger Hoos:
The MAX-MIN Ant System and Local Search
for the Traveling Salesman Problem.
(IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1997)
[stochastic local search, ACO, AI, empirical algorithmics, TSP]
(get postscript file - 174k)
- Thomas Stützle and Holger Hoos:
Improvements on the Ant System: Introducing
the MAX-MIN Ant System. (ICANNGA'97)
[stochastic local search, ACO, AI, empirical algorithmics, TSP]
(get postscript file - 137k)
- Thomas Stützle and Holger Hoos:
Improvements of the ANT-System
- Introducing the Max-Min Ant System.
(Technical Report AIDA-96-12, TH Darmstadt, 1996 - revised version)
[stochastic local search, ACO, AI, empirical algorithmics, TSP]
(get (postscript file - 332k)
- Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle:
A Characterization of GSAT's Performance on a
Class of Hard Structured Problems.
(Technical Report AIDA-96-20)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get postscript file - 210k)
- Holger H. Hoos:
Solving Hard Combinatorial Problems with GSAT
- A Case Study. (KI-96)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get postscript file - 141k)
- Holger H. Hoos:
Aussagenlogische SAT-Verfahren und ihre Anwendung
bei der Lösung des HC-Problems in gerichteten Graphen.
(Diplomarbeit, TH Darmstadt 1996)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get postscript file - 1.009k)
- in german -
Holger H. Hoos:
Propositional SAT Algorithms and their Application
to Solving HC Problems in Directed Graphs.
(Summary of my Masters Thesis, TH Darmstadt 1996)
(get postscript file - 45k)
- S. Hölldobler, H. Hoos, A. Strohmaier, A. Weiß:
The GSAT/SA Familiy - relating greedy satisfiability
to simulated annealing.
(Technical Report AIDA-94-17, TH Darmstadt, 1994)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get postscript file - 298k)
- A. Beringer, G. Aschemann, H. Hoos, M. Metzger, A. Weiß:
GSAT versus Simulated Annealing. (ECAI 1994)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get postscript file - 118k)
- A. Beringer, G. Aschemann, H. Hoos, M. Metzger, A. Weiß:
GSAT and Simulated Annealing - a comparison.
(Technical Report AIDA-94-01, TH Darmstadt, 1994)
[stochastic local search, AI, empirical algorithmics, SAT]
(get postscript file - 289k)