Grading Scheme and Exams

The marks for the course will be distributed as follows (note: the instructor reserves the right to modify the marking scheme at any time, although the final marking scheme should be fairly close to that given here):

Assignments (7 or 8)20%
Midterms (2)30%
Final Exam50%

To pass the course, you must obtain a 50% overall mark and, in addition, you must achieve a passing grade on the final examination.

Late assignment are generally not accepted aside from exceptional circumstances. If these arise, please get in touch with the instructor as early as possible and be prepared to provide a signed note from your doctor.

Students who miss a midterm or assignment due to a short illness should contact their instructor as soon as possible and be prepared to provide a signed note from their doctor. If the student is excused from the missed exam or assignment, the instructor will arrange with the student to rebalance the grading scheme, putting the weight of the missed activity on to other components of the course. Please note that makeup exams for midterm exams will not be provided.

To have an assignment or midterm mark reviewed: staple a note detailing all of your objections to the marking and submit this to your instructor no later than two weeks after the week the marked assignment/exam was returned (regardless of whether you actually collected your assignment/exam at that time). The instructor will then review the marking; the instructor's review decision is final and may either increase or decrease the assigned mark based on your objections or other aspects of the submission. Please note that assignments or exams written in pencil or other erasable pen will not be considered for regrading.

If you are unable to write the final exam due to illness, contact your Faculty's advising office (e.g., the Science Undergraduate Advising office) immediately and inform your instructor by email. A student missing the final exam due to illness, must apply to their home faculty for Academic Concession as soon as possible.

In accordance with UBC Policy #65, students who are scheduled to attend classes or write examinations on the holy days of their religion must notify their instructors two weeks in advance of the religious holiday they wish to observe. Instructors will provide opportunity for students to make up the missed work or examination without penalty. See here for policy 65.

Rules of conduct regarding exams

Exams will follow the University's Rules Governing Formal Examination, including disallowing any communication by any means with anyone besides the exam's invigilators except where specifically noted in exam instructions.

Please note that exams written in pencil or other erasable pen will not be considered for regrading.

For the midterms and the final exam, you are only allowed to bring in a single (!) handwritten or printed (minimum 11 point font), double-sided letter-sized (8.5in x 11in) sheet of notes. This needs to clearly show your student name and ID on the top right corner and will be collected at the end of each exam (i.e. it will not be returned to you).

Violation of any of these rules constitutes academic misconduct and is subject to penalties ranging from a grade of zero on a particular assignment to indefinite suspension from the University. If you are uncertain as to what is or is not reasonable collaboration, please first contact the instructor.

Here is the list of exam dates.