CPSC 303 Course Policy Page, Fall 2019
This page concerns CPSC 303 Section 201.
Grading Scheme |
The course grade is computed as:
0.55 f + 0.35 max(f,m) + 0.10 max(f,m,h)
where f,m,h are the grades on, respecitively, the final exam,
midterm exam, and homework,
after any scaling of the exams; your three lowest homework scores
are dropped in the overall homework computation.
Midterm |
The midterm will be held during class hours on
Wednesday, March 11, 2019.
Location TBA.
I will give only one midterm and only one final during the semester.
Please make sure you do not
make plans (travel, work, etc.) without regard for the midterm and
final dates; also, do not make such plans assuming that the preliminary exam
schedule will not change (it sometimes changes).
Prerequisites and Background
The prerequisites for this course are given
they include some differential and integral calculus,
some linear algebra,
and some computer science.
Part of the
course will teach you some mathematical concepts beyond
the prerequisites, so you should feel very comfortable with
calculus. We will spend roughly half the course on
Chapters 14-16 of the textbook
(numerical differentiation and integration, and numerically
solving ODE's and PDE's).
Homework Policy |
You may work together on homework, but
you must write up your own
solutions individually. You must acknowledge with whom you worked. You must
also acknowledge any sources you have used beyond the textbook and the articles
on the class website.