Math 200, Winter 2015 Term 1, Webwork Page
This page concerns all Fall 2015 Sections of Math 340 (Winter 2015, Term 1)
What is Webwork? |
Webwork (sometimes written WeBWork or WeBWorK) is a computer
database of mathematics problems maintained by the
MAA (Mathematical Association of America).
Students solve these problems and type their answers into the
online system; the system says if the answers are correct,
and--if not--tries to detect the mistake(s) and lets the user try again.
You can get general information about Webwork at
the main
Webwork webpage of the MAA; the basic features are explained in
this video.
Advantages |
To the student there are a number of advantages of Webwork, such as:
(1) immediate feedback, (2) a computer system that tries figure out your
mistakes, (3) individualized problmes, so students can work together
but try out new problems individually,
(4) an unlimited number of attempts for Math 200 this term,
(5) an online system that can be accessed from anywhere
via UBC connect, requiring your UBC CWL (Campus-Wide Login).
Disadvantages |
The disadvantages of Webwork arise with more difficult problems, more
typical on exams, and include:
(1) a human marker is better able to figure out where
mistakes are made, and
(2) webwork does not give students experience in
writing and showing work (which is expected when you take exams).
This is why Math 200 has some written homework in addition to Webwork.
Accessing Webwork |
All students registered for Math 200 are automatically able to access
Webwork via this link to
UBC connect,
which requires your CWL.
You can also access Math 200 Webwork for this term via:
this more direct link.
Answers in Webwork |
This webpage describes some tips for
writing answers to problems in the form that Webwork will accept.
Homework and Skill Building |
This year we will post two different problem sets:
(1) homework, that is required and will be graded, and
(2) optional Webwork problems--not a part of the
grade computation--that can be used for other practice.
Usually (2) will contain more basic problems which help students
build some basic skills.
Weekly Webwork Homework |
For Math 200, Fall 2015, Webwork homework will typically be
assigned each Thursday afternoon, due the following week
on Friday at 11:59pm.
Some weeks there will be no required Webwork (i.e., only written
homework), but usually there will be optional (skill building)
Webwork (with no due date).
Problems? |
The Webwork system can be a bit slow; please give the system
60 seconds (or a bit longer) when loading a problem set or a problem.
If something is not working you can click the "Email Instructor"
button at the bottom of the page.