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Choice of interpolation kernel

The choice of the interpolating kernel can have a substantial effect on the performance of a nearest-neighbours classifier. Cover & Hart (1967) showed that the single nearest-neighbour rule can have twice the error rate of a kernel that obtains an accurate measure of the local Bayes probability. A doubling of the error rate for a given set of training data would make even the best learning method appear to have poor performance relative to the alternatives.

One widely-used kernel is to place a fixed-width Gaussian at each neighbour, as in the Parzen window method. However, a fixed-width kernel will be too small to achieve averaging where data points are sparse and too large to achieve optimal locality where data points are dense. There is a trade-off between averaging points to achieve a better estimate of the local Bayes probability versus maintaining locality in order to capture changes in the output. As Duda & Hart (1973, p. 105) have shown, most of the benefits of local averaging are achieved from averaging small numbers of points. In fact, the k-nearest-neighbour method achieves a relatively good performance by maintaining a constant number of points within the kernel.

The benefits of the k-nearest-neighbour method can be combined with the smooth weighting fall-off of a Gaussian by using what is known as the variable kernel method (Silverman, 1986). In this method, the size of a Gaussian kernel centered at the input is set proportional to the distance of the k-th nearest neighbour. In this paper, we instead use the average distance of the first k neighbours, because this measure is more stable under a changing similarity metric. The constant relating neighbour distance to the Gaussian width is learned during the optimization process, which allows the method to find the optimal trade-off between localization and averaging for each particular data set.

In a classification problem, the objective is to compute a probability for each possible output label i given any new input vector . In VSM learning, this is done by taking the weighted average of the known correct outputs of a number of nearest neighbours. Let be the weight that is assigned to each of the J (e.g., J=10) nearest neighbours, and be the known output probability (usually 0 or 1) for label i of each neighbour. Then,

The weight assigned to each neighbour is determined by a Gaussian kernel centered at , where is the distance of the neighbour from :

The distance depends on the similarity metric weights that will be learned during the optimization process for each dimension k of the input vector. Let be the input location of each neighbour. Then, the weighted Euclidean distance is

The width of the Gaussian kernel is determined by , which is a multiple of the average distance to the M nearest neighbours. It is better if only some fraction (e.g., ) of the neighbours is used, so that the kernel becomes small even when only a few neighbours are close to the input. There is a multiplicative parameter r relating the average neighbour distance to which is learned as a part of the optimization process (a typical initial value is , which places the average neighbour near the steepest slope of the Gaussian):

If it is successful, the optimization will select a larger value for r for noisy but densely-sampled data, and a smaller value for data that is sparse relative to significant variations in output.

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David Lowe
Wed Jul 16 17:08:22 PDT 1997