Meghan Allen
meghana AT cs DOT ubc DOT ca
Associate Professor of Teaching
Associate Head of Undergraduate Affairs
Department of Computer Science
#201 - 2366 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
(604) 822-4912
Vantage College
#2001 - Orchard Commons
6363 Agronomy Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
About Me
I aim to offer courses that actively engage students. I feel strongly that computer science is for everyone and work to increase the diversity of our field.
For more information about me, please see my
Linked In profile.
I have recently taught CPSC 103 (Introduction to Systematic Program Design), CPSC 110 (Computation, Programs, and Programming),
CPSC 121 (Models of Computation), CPSC 210 (Software Construction), SCIE 113 (First-Year Seminar in Science), VANT 148 (Vantage College Projects), and
VANT 149 (Multidisiplinary Research Projects).
I led the curriculum design and development for CPSC 103, Introduction to Systematic Program Design. With colleagues, I conducted
a mixed-methods evaulation of CPSC 103. We used surveys and appreciative inquiry focus groups to gather feedback from students.
- Dimensions of Experientialism for Software Engineering Education
Rory Kelly and Meghan Allen.
in Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on SPLASH-E. 2023. 9 pages.
- English Language Learners in Computer Science Education: A Scoping Review
Meghan Allen and Yinchen Lei.
in Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. 2022. 7 pages.
- The Efficacy of Online Office Hours: An Experience Report
Braxton Hall, Noa Heyl, Elisa Baniassad, Meghan Allen, and Reid Holmes.
in Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on SPLASH-E. 2021. 6 pages.
- Learning to Listen for Design
Braxton Hall, Noa Heyl, Elisa Baniassad, Meghan Allen, and Reid Holmes.
in Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software. 2019. 8 pages.
- Dimensions of Experientialism for Software Engineering Education
Reid Holmes, Meghan Allen, and Michelle Craig.
in Proceedings of the International Conference of Software Engineering (ICSE), Software Engineering Education and Training Track. 2018. 9 pages.
- Insights from the Application of Universal Design Principles to Support English Language Learners
Meghan Allen, Celina Berg, Jessica Q. Dawson, and Neil Leveridge.
in Proceedings of the 23rd Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education, (WCCCE). 2018. 6 pages
- Designing an Introductory Programming Course to Improve Non-Majors' Experiences
Jessica Q. Dawson, Meghan Allen, Alice Campbell and Sazi Valair.
in Proceedings of the ACM Technical Conference on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). 2018. 6 pages
- Success in Student-Faculty/Staff SoTL Partnerships: Motivations, Challenges, Power, and Definitions
Anita Acai, Bree Akesson, Meghan Allen, Victoria Chen, Clarke Mathany, Brett McCollum, Jennifer Spencer, Roselynn E. M. Verwoord (authors in alphabetical order)
in the Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 2017. 19 pages.
- The Development and Delivery of a Multidisciplinary Research Course for First-Year International Science Students
Priyanka Lekhi, Meghan Allen, Fok-Shuen Leung, Brett Hollis Gilley, Georg W. Rieger, Joanne A. Fox
in Collected Essays on Teaching and Learning. 2017. 12 pages.
- Are Females Disinclined to Tinker in Computer Science?
Samantha Krieger, Meghan Allen, Catherine Rawn.
in Proceedings of the ACM Technical Conference on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). 2015. 6 pages
An in-depth exploration of student experiences and perspectives of learning technical writing in undergraduate computer science education (2024).