Mark Appeals

All mark appeals (for assignments and midterm) must be made within two weeks of the date of the return (if you pick up your assignment/exam late, your appeal period does not lengthen). For assignments, you should first consult the TA who marked the question. Only if the problem is still unresolved should you then bring the case to the instructor's attention. For the midterm, your appeal should be submitted to the instructor in writing. Note that as a result of closer scrutiny of your work, marks may go up or down.


No late policy

Due to the (desired) quick turnaround in grading assignments, late assignments will not be accepted and will be given a mark of zero. In case of genuinely extenuating circumstances such as serious illness, please let us know as soon as possible.


Collaboration Policy

While you are not permitted to receive aid from other people, on many occasions, it is useful to ask others (TAs, the instructor, and other students) for hints generally about problem-solving strategies and presentation. This should be limited to the type of advice you get from the instructor and TAs during their office hours. Such activity is both acceptable and encouraged, but you must indicate on your assignments any assistance you receive. Any assistance received (from human or nonhuman sources) that is not given proper citation may be considered a violation of the university policies.


Remember that, you are responsible for understanding and being able to explain all of the statements in your homeworks and exam solutions. Most importantly, the solutions must be written up independently of the other students.


Academic Misconduct

Submitting the work of another person, whether that be another student, something from a book, or something off the web and representing it as your own is plagiarism and constitutes academic misconduct. If the source is clearly cited, then it is not academic misconduct. If you tell me “This is copied word for word from Jane Foo’s solution” that is not academic misconduct. It will be graded as one solution for two people and each will get half credit.

If you say that you got it off of the web or from another text, you’ll be graded by the extent to which your solution shows that you actually understood the solution that you found and were able to reformulate it using your own reasoning.

If you get a solution by any means other than working it out yourself and don’t disclose it, then I will follow the university procedures for academic misconduct.

Please read Cheating: The List Of Things I Never Want To Hear Again