Nicholas Vining
Ph.D., Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia, 2024
M.Sc (Computer Science), University of Victoria, 2011
B.Sc (Mathematics, Honors), University of Victoria, 2009
e-mail: first letter of first name and entire last name - all one word, all lower case - at cs dot ubc dot ca
Research Interests
At UBC, I work with Dr. Alla Sheffer and the DGP Research Group at the University of British Columbia, studying
geometric mesh processing. I am also a Senior Research Scientist at NVIDIA,
where I work on geometry problems under David Luebke. Prior to joining NVIDIA, I worked for Google as a Sr. Software Engineer on
Google's Stadia cloud gaming platform, which brings games to the cloud via
streaming, as well as other as-of-yet-unannounced edge computing
initiatives. Prior to that, I
made a video game. If you are interested in Dredmor, you might find an interesting mailing list here.
Major research interests:
- Connections between geometric mesh processing, real-time rendering, and
cloud rendering systems
- Content creation - sketch-based content creation, vector art editing,
cloth editing, game level generation, democratization of user-generated
content, and metaverse applications
- Hexahedral mesh generation and optimization
I strongly believe in the benefits of collaborative research, and enjoy learning new techniques, tricks, and styles of research from a variety of collaborators. If you are interested
in working on a paper together, or are doing something you think I might be interested in, why not drop me a line?
N. Vining, A. Majercik, F. Gu, T. Takikawa, T. Trusty, P. Lalonde, M. McGuire, A. Sheffer. FastAtlas: Real-Time Compact Atlases for Texture Space Shading Eurographics 2025.
C. Araujo, N. Vining, S. Burla, M. Ruivo de Oliveira, E. Rosales, A. Sheffer. Slippage-Preserving Reshaping of Human-Made 3D Content. SIGGRAPH Asia 2023, to appear.
J. Yang, N. Vining, S. Kherimand, N. Carr, L. Sigal, A. Sheffer. Subpixel Deblurring of Anti-Aliased Raster Clip-Art. Eurographics 2023.
J. Hladky, M. Stengel, N. Vining, B. Kerbl, H-P. Seidel, M. Steinberger. QuadStream: A Quad-Based Scene Streaming Architecture for Novel Viewpoint Reconstruction. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2022), to appear.
C. Zhang, L. Yang, N. Chen, N. Vining, A. Sheffer, F. Lau, G.
Wang, W. Wang. CreatureShop: Interactive 3D Character Modeling and Texturing
from a Single Color Drawing. IEEE Transactions on Vision and Computer
Graphics; to appear.
C. Araujo, N. Vining, E. Rosales, G. Gori, A. Sheffer. As-Locally-Uniform-As-Possible
Reshaping of Vector Clip-Art. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc.
SIGGRAPH 2022), to appear.
J. Yin, C. Liu, R. Lin, N. Vining, H. Rhodin, A. Sheffer. Detecting
Viewer-Perceived Intended Vector Sketch Connectivity. ACM Transactions
on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2022), to appear.
E. Rosales, C. Araujo, J. Rodriguez, N. Vining, D. Yoon, A.
Sheffer. AdaptiBrush:
Adaptive General and Predictable VR Ribbon Brush. ACM Transactions on
Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2021), to appear.
E. Rosales, C. Araujo, J. Rodriguez, N. Vining, D. Yoon, A.
Sheffer. StripBrush: A Constraint-Relaxed 3D Brush Reduces Physical Effort and Enhances the Quality of Spatial
Drawing. Arxived submission.
D. Pagurek van Mossel, C. Liu, N. Vining, M. Bessmeltsev, A.
Sheffer. StrokeStrip: Joint Parameterization and Fitting of Stroke Clusters.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2021)
J. Yang, C. Araujo, N. Vining, Z. Ferguson, E. Rosales, D. Panozzo, S. Lefevbre, P. Cignoni, A. Sheffer, DHFSlicer: Double Height-Field Slicing for Milling Fixed- Height Materials, ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2020)
C. Araujo*, D. Cabiddu*, M. Attene, M. Livesu, N. Vining, A.
Sheffer. Surface2Volume: Surface Segmentation Conforming
Assemblable Volumetric Partition. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2019, Los Angeles, USA) (*
- joint first authors)
D. Rebain, B. Angles, J. Vlanentin, J. Peethambaran, S. Izadi, N.
Vining, A. Tagliasacchi. LSMAT: Least Squares Medial Axis Transform.
Computer Graphics Forum, to appear.
M. Limper, N. Vining, A. Sheffer, Box Cutter: Atlas Refinement for
Efficient Packing via Void Elimination, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc
SIGGRAPH), 2018.
M. Li, A. Sheffer, E. Grinspun, N. Vining. FoldSketch: Enriching
Garments with Physically Reproducible Folds, ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc SIGGRAPH), 2018
G. Gori, A. Sheffer, N. Vining, E. Rosales, N. Carr, T. Ju. FlowRep: Descriptive Curve Networks for Freeform Designer Shapes. ACM Transaction on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2017)
M. Bessmeltsev, N. Vining,
A. Sheffer. Gesture3D:
Posing 3D Characters via Gesture Drawings. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2016)
A. Bartle, A. Sheffer, V. Kim, D. Kaufman, N. Vining, F.
Berthouzoz. Physics-Driven
Pattern Adjustment for Direct 3D Garment Editing.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2016)
M. Bessmeltsev, W. Chang, N. Vining, A. Sheffer, K. Singh. Modeling Character Canvases from Cartoon Drawings. ACM Transactions on Graphics 2015, to appear.
R. Gillette, C. Peters, N. Vining, E. Edwards, A. Sheffer. Real-time Dynamic
Wrinkling of Coarse Animated Cloth. Proc. Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) , 2015, to appear.
M. Livesu, A. Sheffer, N. Vining, M. Tarini.
Practical Hex-Mesh Optimization via Edge-Cone Rectification.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), Vol.34, No 4, 2015.
P. Hao, Y. Liu, A. Sheffer, N. Vining, C.-J. Li, W. Wang.
Flow Aligned Surfacing of Curve Networks.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), Vol.34, No 4, 2015.
C. Ma, N. Vining, S. Lefebvre, A. Sheffer.
Game Level Layout from Design Specification. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), Apr., 2014.
M. Livesu, N. Vining, A. Sheffer, J. Gregson, R. Scateni. PolyCut: Monotone Graph-Cuts for PolyCube Base-Complex Construction.
ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), Vol 32, No. 6, 2013.
M. Best, N. Vining, D. Jacobsen, A. Fedorova. Collection-Focused Parallelism.
5th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism (HotPAR), 2013.
M. Cheng, E. Delisle, A. Erickson, S. Ganti, F. Mason, N. Vining, S. Whitesides. Collaborative problem solving: integrating theory and practice in the classroom. Proc. 15th West Canadian Conference on Computing Education, 2010.
Invited Talks, Interviews, Game Development Miscellanea
Two talks at GDC (2016, 2017) on discrete mesh processing, as part of the Mathematics for Game Developers Tutorial run by Squirrel Eiserloh
Congratulations, You Have Died! Humorous Writing and Dungeons of Dredmor. Casual Connect Seattle, 2012.
Gaslamp Games on its Indie Roguelike Dungeons of Dredmor. Game Career Guide, 2011.
The Threads That Bind Us. Game Developer Magazine, 2010.
The OpenGL 3.2 Specification, where I am listed as a contributor due to my involvement writing several OpenGL extensions.
Video Games I've Worked On
Clockwork Empires (2014 - 2016): Technical Director and Lead Programmer
Dungeons of Dredmor: Conquest of the Wizard Lands (2012): Technical Director
Dungeons of Dredmor: You Have To Name The Expansion Pack (2012): Technical Director
Dungeons of Dredmor: Realm of the Diggle Gods (2011): Technical Director
Dungeons of Dredmor (2011): Technical Director and Lead Programmer
Unreal Tournament 3 (2008): Abortive OS X and Linux Port, OpenGL Renderer (which I believe was incorporated into the iOS tree powering Infinity Blade, amongst other things)
Various Derek Smart Gigs: Programming, Additional Programming, General Grease Monkey
Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza (2001): Programmer. Penny Arcade had some choice words about our game and the engine which was forced on us.
I have been putting small, useful single-header libraries here. So far I have only written one, but I am hoping to put more up later.
Useful Libraries
Sean Barrett's STB libraries.
Clipper, an open source 2D polygon clipping library.
Friends don't let Friends use GLUT. You may also get some use out of SDL, which is a little more designed for games.