Section 4: Iterating over Directory Trees

 Table of Contents > Chapter 6 > Section 4 

Assuming that we take time to store files in an organized way and create subdirectories (i.e., folders) to store files associated with different projects, courses and/or applications, our files end up stored in a tree of directories. 

In previous sections we learned how to read and write data to/from files.  There will be situations where we want to process data stored in a number of separate files contained in a certain subtree of directories.  In other words, we want to traverse a directory tree and process each of the files that we encounter, or perhaps just those files with a certain extension. 

The os package of the Python library contains a function named walk that is very useful in this context.  The function consumes the path to the root of a directory and, for each directory in the tree rooted at root, yields a tuple of length 3 of the form:

(dirpath, dirnames, filenames)

where dirpath is the path to the current directory, dirnames is a list of the names of immediate subdirectories, and filenames is a list of the names of files in the current directory.  Note that a tuple is similar to a list in that it represents data of arbitrary size and you can iterate over each of the items in the tuple using a for-each loop.  However, a tuples differs from a list in that it is immutable so, you cannot modify the tuple once it's been created. 

An example will help to illustrate how this function works.  Consider the directory structure pictured in Figure 7.1:

Sample directory tree
Figure 7.1

We assume that the Courses directory is located in the Documents directory of a user named chris.  Note that each file or directory has a path that describes how to navigate to that file or directory from the root of the file system.  So, for example, the root folder Courses is found at: 


whereas the Labs directory of the CPSC189 directory is found at: 


Let's design a Python function that prints to the screen the data that os.walk yields at each directory that it visits.  We have already seen that this function yields compound data, so a template for such a function will look like:

for dirinfo in os.walk(root):


where dirinfo is a tuple of length 3 as discussed earlier.  In our case, fn_for_dirinfo will be print_dirinfo.

Our output will be much more readable if we indent it based on the length of the path to the directory whose information we are currently printing.   So, for the directory tree pictured in 
Figure 7.1, we expect the following output:

 - Directories:



 - Files:



    - Directories:



    - Files:



        - Directories:

        - Files:



        - Directories:

        - Files:



    - Directories:


    - Files:


        Python v2.7.2 doc.webloc


        - Directories:

        - Files:


Take a few moments to compare the output that you see here with the graphical depiction of the directory tree presented in Figure 7.1. 

First, let's observe the order in which directories in this tree were visited:







- a depth-first rather than breadth-first ordering.

Now observe that for each directory visited, we print the path to that directory, the list of directories contained in that directory and the list of files.  So, for example, when visiting the directory


we print the path just listed above and then we see the following list of directories contained within that directory:


and the following list of files:


Python v2.7.2 doc.webloc

Note that the list of files in this and other directories includes .DS_Store.  This file does not appear in Figure 7.1 as it is a hidden system file (Mac OS/X only). 

Before we present the final code, let's consider how to handle the indentation.  The number of levels in the directory tree is directly proportional to the number of times the path component separator appears in the path.  The path component separator depends on the particular operating system.  For Unix and OS/X systems, it is the character '/' whereas for Windows systems it is '\'.  The separator for the particular system on which a Python program is running is represented by the constant os.sep found in the os package of the standard Python library.  Hence, an appropriate level of indentation can be specified by counting the number of times os.sep occurs in the path to the directory we are currently visiting and subtracting the number of times this character appears in the path to the root of the subtree under consideration.

So, for example, if we want to traverse the subtree rooted at


and we are currently visiting the directory


an appropriate level of indentation is given by:

(number of '/' in path to current) - (number of '/' in path to root)

= 6 - 4 = 2

The first version of our program is presented in Code Explorer 7.3.  Note that the print_dir_info function pulls apart the compound data stored in the tuple dir_info.  It then calls a helper function to process each part.  Note that the implementation of the find_indent function makes use of the fact that in Python the product of an integer n and a string my_str produces a string that consists of n copies of my_str.  So, 3 * 'hello' produces the string 'hellohellohello'.
Also note that the functions print_dirnames and print_filenames look very similar.  Perhaps this is not surprising as each takes a list of strings representing a list of file system components (files or directories) and prints them on the screen.  Let's circle the points of variation:

print_dirnames: points of variation

print_filenames: points of variation

and then parameterize the point of variation to produce a more abstract function:

def print_componentnames(lons, indent, label):
    (listof str), str, str -> NoneType
    Prints list of component names to screen
    print indent, label
    indent += '\t'
    for n in lons:
        print indent, n

The final version of the code is presented in Code Explorer 7.4.