Third edition of Artificial Intelligence: foundations of computational agents, Cambridge University Press, 2023 is now available (including the full text). Bottom-Up Implementation
The bottom-up implementation is an augmented version of the bottom-up algorithm for definite clauses presented in Section
The modification to that algorithm is that the conclusions are pairs 〈a,A〉, where a is an atom and A is a set of assumables that imply a in the context of Horn clause knowledge base KB.
Initially, the conclusion set C is {〈a,{a}〉:a is assumable}. Clauses can be used to derive new conclusions. If there is a clause h←b1∧...∧bm such that for each bi there is some Ai such that 〈bi,Ai〉 ∈C, then 〈h,A1∪...∪Am〉 can be added to C. Note that this covers the case of atomic clauses, with m=0, where 〈h,{}〉 is added to C.
2: Inputs
3: KB: a set Horn clauses
4: Assumables: a set of atoms that can be assumed Output
5: set of conflicts
6: Local
7: C is a set of pairs of an atom and a set of assumables
8: C←{〈a,{a}〉:a is assumable}
9: repeat
10: select clause "h←b1∧...∧bm" in KB such that
11: 〈bi,Ai〉∈C for all i and
12: 〈h,A〉∉C where A=A1∪...∪Am
13: C←C∪{〈h,A〉}
14: until no more selections are possible
15: return {A: 〈false,A〉∈C}
Figure 5.9 gives code for the algorithm.
When the pair 〈false,A〉 is generated, the assumptions A form a conflict. One refinement of this program is to prune supersets of assumptions. If 〈a,A1〉 and 〈a,A2〉 are in C, where A1⊂A2, then 〈a,A2〉 can be removed from C or not added to C. There is no reason to use the extra assumptions to imply a. Similarly, if 〈false,A1〉 and 〈a,A2〉 are in C, where A1⊆A2, then 〈a,A2〉 can be removed from C because A1 and any superset - including A2 - are inconsistent with the clauses given, and so nothing more can be learned from considering such sets of assumables.
Initially, in the algorithm of Figure 5.9, C has the value
〈ok_s3,{ok_s3}〉, 〈ok_cb1,{ok_cb1}〉, 〈ok_cb2,{ok_cb2}〉}.
The following shows a sequence of values added to C under one sequence of selections:
Thus, the knowledge base entails
The other conflict can be found by continuing the algorithm.