Third edition of Artificial Intelligence: foundations of computational agents, Cambridge University Press, 2023 is now available (including the full text). Searching in a Hierarchy of Abstractions

The notion of islands can be used to define problem-solving strategies that work at multiple levels of detail or multiple levels of abstraction.

The idea of searching in a hierarchy of abstractions first involves abstracting the problem, leaving out as many details as possible. A partial solution to a problem may be found - one that requires further details to be worked out. For example, the problem of getting from one room to another requires the use of many instances of turning, but an agent would like to reason about the problem at a level of abstraction where the details of the actual steering are omitted. It is expected that an appropriate abstraction solves the problem in broad strokes, leaving only minor problems to be solved. The route planning problem for the delivery robot is too difficult to solve by searching without leaving out details until it must consider them.

One way this can be implemented is to generalize island-driven search to search over possible islands. Once a solution is found at the island level, subproblems can be solved recursively in the same manner. Information that is found at the lower level can inform higher levels that some potential solution does not work as well as expected. The higher level can then use that information to replan. This process typically does not result in a guaranteed optimal solution because it only considers some of the high-level decompositions.

Searching in a hierarchy of abstractions depends very heavily on how one decomposes and abstracts the problem to be solved. Once the problems are abstracted and decomposed, any of the search methods can be used to solve them. It is not easy, however, to recognize useful abstractions and problem decompositions.