poole@CPSC-M-POOLE01 ~ % cd World/cs312/2024/haskell poole@CPSC-M-POOLE01 haskell % ghci GHCi, version 9.4.8: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help ghci> :l Lazy [1 of 1] Compiling Lazy ( Lazy.hs, interpreted ) Ok, one module loaded. ghci> m8 1 1 34 ghci> mm m4 m1110 1 1 8 ghci> mm m8 m1110 1 1 55 ghci> :type show show :: Show a => a -> String ghci> :l Dataeg [1 of 1] Compiling Dataeg ( Dataeg.hs, interpreted ) Ok, one module loaded. ghci> l2 ConsI 234 (ConsI 27 Empty) ghci> ConsI :9:1: error: • No instance for (Show (Integer -> MyListInteger -> MyListInteger)) arising from a use of ‘print’ (maybe you haven't applied a function to enough arguments?) • In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it ghci> myApp l2 l2 ConsI 234 (ConsI 27 (ConsI 234 (ConsI 27 Empty))) ghci> flist :12:1: error: • No instance for (Show FValue) arising from a use of ‘print’ • In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it ghci> [showWhat e | e <- flist] ["Boolean:True","Missing","Int:34","Int:22","String:wow"] ghci> :type BooleanF BooleanF :: Bool -> FValue ghci> :type NumberF NumberF :: Int -> FValue ghci> :type Nothing Nothing :: Maybe a ghci> :type Just Just :: a -> Maybe a ghci> :l BSTree [1 of 1] Compiling BSTree ( BSTree.hs, interpreted ) Ok, one module loaded. ghci> atree = Node 5 "alive" (Node 2 "be" Empty (Node 4 "fun" Empty Empty)) (Node 8 "food" Empty Empty) ghci> tolist atree [(2,"be"),(4,"fun"),(5,"alive"),(8,"food")] ghci> :type tolist tolist :: BSTree k v -> [(k, v)] ghci>