In the file ~cs322/cilog/
(also available
on the web) is a STRIPs representation of
the delivery robot. There is also a STRIPs planner in ~cs322/cilog/
(also available
on the web). The bottom of this file shows
some queries you can try, for example, the following is an example
query (reformatted to show the plan better):
You will need to play with these programs to do this assignment.cilog: ask achieve(at(k1,lab2),init,S,6,N). Answer: achieve(at(k1,lab2),init, do(move(rob,o103,lab2), do(unlock(rob,door1), do(move(rob,mail,o103), do(pickup(rob,k1,mail), do(move(rob,o103,mail), do(move(rob,o109,o103), init)))))),6,0).