CPSC 322 - Introduction to AI
September to December 2020
- FinalExam is on December 7. practice final and a solution
- Midterm #2 - November 12.
Practice: questions & solution.
- Midterm #1 - October 15 - Midterm #1 Practice Midterm and a solution.
- This course in entirely online. We will have
pre-recorded short 5-10 minute lecture clips that you will need
to watch before class time. The scheduled class time will mainly be
question-answer sessions when the students ask the professor
questions and the professor asks the students questions. We will
also have
active learning during class time. All of this will be recorded, but you will be at
a big disadvantage if you do not attend live. There will be
approximately weekly assignments, 2 midterms and a final
exam. There will also be participation marks; see below.
This course provides an introduction to the field of artificial
intelligence. The major topics covered will include reasoning
and representation, search, constraint satisfaction problems,
planning, logic, reasoning under uncertainty, and planning under
See below for the late policy.
TR 2:00-3:20 online; see Canvas. First class: Thursday September 10.
Instructor: David
Poole, poole@cs.ubc.ca. Office hours TBA.
Teaching Assistants:
Structure of the Course
There will be 3 hours of in-class interaction per week.
We will use Canvas for discussions,
clicker registration and to view grades. All
other content will be here.
We will use the following textbook:
Note that the complete text is online. So you don't need to buy it
unless you would prefer the hard copy.
- Agents, knowledge representation and AI - overview of the big
- Search - how can a computer solve problems when they are told
what to do, not how to do it?
- Constraint satisfaction problems - finding solutions which
satisfy constraints
- Planning - determining actions required to achieve a goal
- Logic - how to reason logically
- Uncertainty - how to reason when there is uncertainty
- Decision making under uncertainty
The course assessment will be based on assignments, in-class participation,
and exams.
Assignments will be a mix of traditional assignments, and applying what is
being covered in class to your vertical domain.
The breakdown of marks is tentatively:
- 26%: assignments. Not all assignments will have equal weight.
- 40%: two midterms (20% each). Tentative Dates: October 15, November 12.
- 30%: final exam
- 4% for "participation" (multiple choice questions during class) and
useful postings. 2% for participating in
2/3 of the classes. 2% is for online posting which will be
announced in class and/or canvas, e.g., 1% for presenting
or being the first to post on an application for Assignment 0.
There are no late penalties for late assignments. However, we
will only
accept assignments up to the time solutions are posted or they are
discussed in class, after
which no credit will be given. The solution will not be posted
before the due time. (This means deciding whether to keep working
or submit the current version is a problem of decision making under uncertainty.)
Academic integrity is essential for a university to function. Plagiarism and
cheating will be treated seriously. The work you hand in must be
your own, except where you have explicitly cited the source. If in
doubt, put other's words in quotations and cite the source. See
UBC Regulation on Academic Misconduct. The penalties are severe.
Last updated: 2020-09-13, David Poole