Homework 1
Due September 20 at beginning of class
The goal of this assignment is to ensure that you've understood enough
of the principles of data modeling to be able to be able to really
understand the rest of the papers that we're reading.
To do so, the goal is to design a schema in ER diagrams, translate it
into relational databases, and then write
some queries on it. To make this more real, the goal is to use some
data that you have. This assignment is to be done individually
- afterall, you all have different data. You may discuss problems
that you have with one another, but you should not have the
same schemas, queries, or data. Please state any assumptions that you make.
The assignment must be turned in on paper at the beginning of class on
the 20th.
- Create an ER diagram for some data that you have. The diagram
should contain at least 2 relationships and three entities. Make sure
you have keys for each entity. (30%)
- Create a relational schema based on the ER diagram above. If you
can't figure out how to do something based on what was covered in
class, that's okay, just write an explanation as to what you did and why.(30%)
- Create 3 queries over your schema. You must use selection,
projection, and joins at least twice each (e.g., one query with
selection, one query with projection and a join, and one query with
selection, projection, and join would be fine). Write the queries in
SQL, Datalog, and English. (35%)
- Answer the following questions (5%):
- If you were designing a relational schema, would you bother going
for an ER diagram, or would you just go straight for relational? Why?
- How long did it take you to complete this assignment?
- What did you like the best about this assignment?
- What did you like the least about this assignment?
- What helped you learn the best in this assignment?
- What distracted from your learning in this assignment?
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Rachel Pottinger
E-mail Address: ![rap [at] cs [dot] ubc [dot] ca](/~rap/address.jpg)
Office Location: CICSR 345
Phone: (604)822-0436
Postal/Courier address:
The Department of Computer Science
University of British Columbia
201-2366 Main Mall
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4