A Word on Public Speaking

Many people find public speaking to be terrifying, and it's very difficult to concentrate on public speaking and technical content at the same time. While the class will be supportive of public speaking, you may feel more comfortable with some practice. I encourage to come and give a practice run if that will make you more comfortable.

If you feel like you need more help than I can give, I recommend trying an outside source of help for public speaking. In particular, I strongly recommend Toastmasters, an international organization devoted to helping people with their public speaking. Toastmasters will help you learn better speaking through prepared speeches on a theme (e.g., "organize your speech"), short impromptu speeches, and taking different roles during a meeting. There are a number of clubs in British Columbia, including one on campus: UBC Toastmasters. I have not vetted these clubs, but based on my previous Toastmasters experience, they are likely to be quite helpful. If you do have experience with any of the local clubs, please let me know.

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Rachel Pottinger
E-mail Address: rap [at] cs [dot] ubc [dot] ca
Office Location: ICCS 345
Phone: (604)822-0436
Postal/Courier address:
The Department of Computer Science
University of British Columbia
201-2366 Main Mall
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4
Traditional, Ancestral & Unceded Musqueam Territory