For today's class, we will be reading one non-technical papers:
Daniel Abadi, Anastasia Ailamaki, David G. Andersen, Peter Bailis,
Magdalena Balazinska, Philip A. Bernstein, Peter A. Boncz, Surajit
Chaudhuri, Alvin Cheung, AnHai Doan, Luna Dong, Michael J. Franklin,
Juliana Freire, Alon Y. Halevy, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Stratos Idreos,
Donald Kossmann, Tim Kraska, Sailesh Krishnamurthy, Volker Markl,
Sergey Melnik, Tova Milo, C. Mohan, Thomas Neumann, Beng Chin Ooi,
Fatma Ozcan, Jignesh M. Patel, Andrew Pavlo, Raluca A. Popa, Raghu
Ramakrishnan, Christopher Re, Michael Stonebraker, Dan Suciu:
The Seattle Report on Database Research. Communications of the
ACM, August 2022, Vol. 65 No. 8, Pages 72-79.
There are no special instructions on how to read this paper. Have
fun. Try to link your analysis back to things that we've already read
and discussed in class.
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Rachel Pottinger
E-mail Address: ![rap [at] cs [dot] ubc [dot] ca](/~rap/address.jpg)
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Phone: (604)822-0436
Postal/Courier address:
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