A specific schema matching algorithm and an industrial report

For this class we'll be reading two papers: Both papers should be fairly straightforward to read. Don't get too hung up on all of the equations in the LSD paper, but do make sure you understand the general ideas of what the equations are trying to get at. We are not reading COMA (though you can find it here). The key thing to know in order to understand this paper is that like LSD it combines information from a number of sources, and to do so it uses a matrix to hold the values.

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Rachel Pottinger
E-mail Address: rap [at] cs [dot] ubc [dot] ca
Office Location: CICSR 393
Phone: (604)822-0436
Postal/Courier address:
The Department of Computer Science
University of British Columbia
201-2366 Main Mall
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4