I no
longer teach courses, but I am still happy to mentor people interested in
learning how to do research. I believe the best way to learn to do research is by
actually doing it:
COGS 402, CPSC 366, CPSC 448, ISCI 448, PYSC 340, PSYC 366, PSYC 448, PSYC 449
I am willing to supervise directed-studies
students (undergrad and otherwise) who are interested in the projects in the
lab. Over the years, more than 150 students successfully completed projects for
the courses listed above. And the vast majority had fun doing so, and learned a
you're interested in learning how to do research, or just in finding out
whether you'd even like it, you might consider being a co-pilot or volunteer in
my lab (Visual Cognition Lab).
Over the years, we've had over 200 student co-pilots and volunteers. Many stayed on to become research assistants,
and some even ended up as authors on research papers. It's a great way to learn how to do research,
have some fun, and make a few friends.
Note: Students from around the world are welcome to be part of this! This can be a very good way to get research
experience before going to grad school.
If your level of English is good enough, you can have an opportunity to
work with a group of interesting people on important topics.
interested in either of these, please contact me or the VCL lab manager (vclmanager{a t}gmail.com).
courses include:
COGS 303 - Research Methods in Cognitive Systems
course will teach you the general skills needed to do effective analysis and
research in the constituent sciences of Cognitive Systems. It covers the
principles common to all forms of investigative analysis and research. It
connects these to the more specialized treatments found in specialized courses
(e.g. statistics), and to ideas concerning the
discovery and organization of knowledge (e.g., philosophy of science). The goal
is to show you the process of doing science--to give you a feel for the
methodologies used in different areas of research, and to see the commonalities
in the ways they are applied. In addition, the course will connect to relevant
knowledge of cognition itself, showing how the ways that we perceive and think
affect the ways that we do research.
The course
also includes development of "meta-skills" such as critical and
generative thinking, and the basics of writing and giving presentations. These
are important not only in scientific research and analytic investigation of
various kinds, but also in many aspects of everyday life in the real
world. The methods and materials used
are the topic of a paper in IEEE Computer
Graphics and Applications (education section) in March 2015 (pdf).