Declaration Parameters Return Value Remarks Revisions Example See Also
| Declaration
pParam __stdcall assignParam(
int index, // parameter index
char *name, // parameter name
tParam deflt // default value

- index
- Base zero index of parameter.
- name
- Name of parameter to show the user. Include parameter properties in trailing brackets [...].
- deflt
- Default value of parameter to begin the simulation.

Return Value
A pointer to the newly created parameter value (pParam).

This function is available through the API. It is meant to be used from within the model-provided function onModelLoad and should be called once for each parameter after calling setParamCount.
Properties of a parameter may be specified in brackets [...] after the parameter's name. The user will only be allowed to enter values which satisfy the properties. Properties are comma-separated assignments of the form
Valid properties in the current version of the API (to be expanded in future versions) are
- enabled=false
- The user is not allowed to modify this parameter.
- type=bool
- Parameter can only take on the values 0 or 1.
- type=int
- Parameter must be an integer.
- min=number
- Minimum allowed value of the parameter.
- max=number
- Maximum allowed value of the parameter.
In the absence of any properties, a parameter is assumed to be an unbounded real number. 
API v1.5- returns pointer to parameter
API v1.4- introduced parameter "properties" to replace constraints

pParam density = NULL;
void __stdcall onModelLoad(void)
// index name [properties] default value
assignParam(0, "World Width [type=int,min=1]", 30); // integer, >=1
assignParam(1, "World Height [type=int,min=1]", 30); // integer, >=1
density =
assignParam(2, "Initial Density [min=0,max=1]", 0.5); // real, in range [0,1]
assignParam(3, "Density [enabled=false,min=0,max=1]",0.5); // real, in range [0,1], not modifiable by user
assignParam(4, "Pretty Graphics [type=bool]", 0); // boolean (0 or 1)

See Also
onModelLoad, setParamCount, pParam.