Typically, using data to estimate good potential functions will lead to a much better model than if we tuned the potential functions manually. This is true for several reasons, but one of the main reasons is simply that in most models it is difficult to describe what the values of the potential functions mean in probabilistic terms (of course, there are some exceptions like Markov chains). However, parameter estimation will generally be harder than decoding/inference/sampling with known parameters. Indeed, most parameter estimation methods will need to use decoding/inference/sampling as a sub-routine. Further, we also must address the modeling issue of tieing/parameterizing the potential functions.
We can load this data set into a variable y using:
load rain.mat
y = int32(X+1); % Convert from {0,1} double to {1,2} int32 representation
In UGM the data should is stored in the int32 format, and should be in the range {1,2,...,nStates}.
Below is a plot of the first 100 months:
In this plot, `rain' (state 2) is represented by the color red, while `no rain' (state 1) is represented by the color blue.
One of the simplest models we could fit to this data set would simply treat each day as an independent sample from a Bernoulli distribution. Here, we simply calculate the probability that it will rain as the average across all the days:
p_rain = sum(y(:)==2)/numel(X)
p_rain =
So, we have a non-zero daily precipitation on ~41% of the days.
We can calculate the log-likelihood of the full data set under this simple model as follows:
negloglik_y = -log(p_rain)*sum(y(:)==2) - log(1-p_rain)*sum(y(:)==1)
negloglik_y =
Below is 100 samples drawn from this simple independent distribution:
These samples look less 'clumpy' than the real data. This makes sense, the independent model does not take into account that if it rained yesterday, it is more likely to rain today.
To take into account this dependency, we will use a UGM to model the statistical dependency between adjacent days.
However, unlike previous demos where we chose a set of node/edge potentials that we hoped would be a good model of real data, in this demo we will use the real data to find the node/edge potentials that maximize the likelihood of the data. That is, we will give UGM the data, tell it to use a chain-structured dependency (as well as some extra information about how to construct the potentials), and the output will be a set of parameters. We can then use these parameters to form our potentials and use our usual (conditional) decoding/inference/sampling with the potentials.
As always, our first step will be to build the edgeStruct that keeps track of information about the graphical structure. We will assume a chain-structured dependency:
[nInstances,nNodes] = size(y);
nStates = max(y);
adj = zeros(nNodes);
for i = 1:nNodes-1
adj(i,i+1) = 1;
adj = adj+adj';
edgeStruct = UGM_makeEdgeStruct(adj,nStates);
In our example, we will define the nodeMap as follows:
maxState = max(nStates);
nodeMap = zeros(nNodes,maxState,'int32');
nodeMap(:,1) = 1;
By setting the first column of the nodeMap to the value 1, we are indicating that the potential of being in the `no rain' state will be given by exponentiating the first element of the parameter vector w. Note that this means that all days of the month share the same potential for this state.
Setting an element of the nodeMap to 0 means that the corresponding potential is fixed at 0. When doing maximum likelihood estimation, the global normalization allows to arbitrarily fix one of the states for each node without affecting the final result. Note that when doing parameter estimation, we can allow the nStates variable to be a vector, in case some variables have fewer than others.
In our example, we will first define the edgeMap as follows:
nEdges = edgeStruct.nEdges;
edgeMap = zeros(maxState,maxState,nEdges,'int32');
edgeMap(1,1,:) = 2;
edgeMap(2,2,:) = 2;
That is, we will make all edges use the second element of the parameter vector w for the potential of adjacent days being in the same state. And further, we will fix the potential of adjacent days having different states.
nParams = max([nodeMap(:);edgeMap(:)]); w = zeros(nParams,1);Since our maps required two variables, in our example w will simply be a two-element vector.
We can use the maps and the parameter vector to make the potentials as follows:
[nodePot,edgePot] = UGM_MRF_makePotentials(w,nodeMap,edgeMap,edgeStruct);
Since we initialized w to zero, this just makes a nodePot and edgePot that contain all ones.
suffStat = UGM_MRF_computeSuffStat(y,nodeMap,edgeMap,edgeStruct);Once we have the sufficient statistics, we can compute the negative log-likelihood of the data using:
nll = UGM_MRF_NLL(w,nInstances,suffStat,nodeMap,edgeMap,edgeStruct,@UGM_Infer_Chain) nll = 2.0553e+04This is higher than the independent model we had before, meaning that the naive model with all potentials equal does a poorer job of predicting the data than the independent model. Note that the last argument of the UGM_MRF_NLL function is an anonymous function that will be used for inference in the model (in this case, the model is a chain so we used UGM_Infer_Chain).
w = minFunc(@UGM_MRF_NLL,w,[],nInstances,suffStat,nodeMap,edgeMap,edgeStruct,@UGM_Infer_Chain) Iteration FunEvals Step Length Function Val Opt Cond 1 2 1.16857e-04 1.79845e+04 1.63026e+03 2 3 1.00000e+00 1.78218e+04 3.67640e+02 3 4 1.00000e+00 1.78108e+04 2.88642e+01 4 5 1.00000e+00 1.78108e+04 4.99058e+00 5 6 1.00000e+00 1.78108e+04 4.94596e-02 6 7 1.00000e+00 1.78108e+04 1.37016e-03 Directional Derivative below progTol w = 0.1590 0.8504The first argument of the minFunc function is the function to minimize, the second argument is the initial parameter vector, the third argument is a structure containing non-default parameters of the optimization routine (i.e. you can turn off the program output), and the remaining arguments are passed as arguments to the function that is being minimized.
Looking at the Function Val column in the output of minFunc, we see that the negative log-likelihood with the estimated parameters is much lower than the initial parameters, and also much lower than with the independent model.
If we want to, we can make and look at the potentials based on the estimated parameters:
[nodePot,edgePot] = UGM_MRF_makePotentials(w,nodeMap,edgeMap,edgeStruct);
ans =
1.1723 1.0000
ans =
2.3406 1.0000
1.0000 2.3406
Looking at the potentials, we see that the node potential is higher for the state 'no rain', and the edge potentials are higher for adjacent days having the same value. Although this is exactly what we expect, by optimizing the parameters we in some sense have found the 'best' parameters.
% Use different parameters for different combinations of states edgeMap(2,2,:) = 0; edgeMap(1,2,:) = 3; edgeMap(2,1,:) = 4; % Initialize weights nParams = max([nodeMap(:);edgeMap(:)]); w = zeros(nParams,1); % Compute sufficient statistics suffStat = UGM_MRF_computeSuffStat(y,nodeMap,edgeMap,edgeStruct); % Optimize w = minFunc(@UGM_MRF_NLL,w,[],nInstances,suffStat,nodeMap,edgeMap,edgeStruct,@UGM_Infer_Chain) Iteration FunEvals Step Length Function Val Opt Cond 1 2 7.12949e-05 1.89590e+04 3.14727e+03 2 3 1.00000e+00 1.85381e+04 1.26201e+03 3 4 1.00000e+00 1.81469e+04 1.28848e+03 4 5 1.00000e+00 1.79040e+04 1.23205e+03 5 6 1.00000e+00 1.78407e+04 2.22810e+02 6 7 1.00000e+00 1.78393e+04 4.11467e+01 7 9 1.00000e+01 1.78379e+04 1.01343e+02 8 10 1.00000e+00 1.78333e+04 1.61229e+02 9 11 1.00000e+00 1.78192e+04 2.38441e+02 10 12 1.00000e+00 1.78089e+04 1.72145e+02 11 13 1.00000e+00 1.78018e+04 5.25205e+01 12 14 1.00000e+00 1.77996e+04 3.54473e+01 13 15 1.00000e+00 1.77988e+04 5.37657e+01 14 16 1.00000e+00 1.77980e+04 4.41137e+01 15 17 1.00000e+00 1.77977e+04 7.91935e+00 16 18 1.00000e+00 1.77977e+04 4.92522e-01 17 19 1.00000e+00 1.77977e+04 2.56970e-02 18 20 1.00000e+00 1.77977e+04 4.31682e-03 19 21 1.00000e+00 1.77977e+04 1.71722e-04 Directional Derivative below progTol w = 0.5968 -0.4499 -1.0029 -1.1506Since this model contains the previous model as a special case, we expect (and observe) an improvement in the training set negative log-likelihood (ie. Function Val). As before we can look at the potentials as follows:
[nodePot,edgePot] = UGM_MRF_makePotentials(w,nodeMap,edgeMap,edgeStruct); nodePot(1,:) edgePot(:,:,1) ans = 1.8163 1.0000 ans = 0.6377 0.3668 0.3165 1.0000We see that (rain,rain) configuration receives a higher potential than the (no rain, no rain) configuration. It might have been difficult to guess at this asymmetry if we had chosen the potentials heuristically without looking at actual data. In contrast, the potential of (no rain,rain) is fairly close to the potential of (rain,no rain).
nodeMap(1,1) = 5; nodeMap(end,1) = 5; % Initialize weights nParams = max([nodeMap(:);edgeMap(:)]); w = zeros(nParams,1); % Compute sufficient statistics suffStat = UGM_MRF_computeSuffStat(y,nodeMap,edgeMap,edgeStruct); % Optimize w = minFunc(@UGM_MRF_NLL,w,[],nInstances,suffStat,nodeMap,edgeMap,edgeStruct,@UGM_Infer_Chain) Iteration FunEvals Step Length Function Val Opt Cond 1 2 7.12949e-05 1.89092e+04 2.96046e+03 2 3 1.00000e+00 1.85021e+04 1.36128e+03 3 4 1.00000e+00 1.80446e+04 1.60027e+03 4 5 1.00000e+00 1.78524e+04 1.07821e+03 5 6 1.00000e+00 1.78029e+04 2.56363e+02 6 7 1.00000e+00 1.78007e+04 4.49694e+01 7 8 1.00000e+00 1.78006e+04 4.37522e+01 8 9 1.00000e+00 1.77998e+04 7.82306e+01 9 10 1.00000e+00 1.77989e+04 1.03849e+02 10 11 1.00000e+00 1.77981e+04 6.17314e+01 11 12 1.00000e+00 1.77979e+04 1.36103e+01 12 13 1.00000e+00 1.77979e+04 6.93718e+00 13 14 1.00000e+00 1.77979e+04 1.28554e+01 14 15 1.00000e+00 1.77979e+04 2.21724e+01 15 16 1.00000e+00 1.77978e+04 2.85041e+01 16 17 1.00000e+00 1.77978e+04 2.28412e+01 17 18 1.00000e+00 1.77977e+04 7.15382e+00 18 19 1.00000e+00 1.77977e+04 8.17118e-01 19 20 1.00000e+00 1.77977e+04 1.84132e-02 20 21 1.00000e+00 1.77977e+04 6.14687e-03 21 22 1.00000e+00 1.77977e+04 2.12248e-05 Directional Derivative below progTol w = -0.2839 0.4308 -0.5626 -0.7103 0.1565Here are the potentials under this model:
[nodePot,edgePot] = UGM_MRF_makePotentials(w,nodeMap,edgeMap,edgeStruct); nodePot(1,:) nodePot(2,:) edgePot(:,:,1) ans = 1.1694 1.0000 ans = 0.7529 1.0000 ans = 1.5384 0.5697 0.4915 1.0000The likelihood was not noticeably affected by modeling the boundary condition, though the parameters we obtained were significantly different. For example, the potential of the (no rain,no rain) state is now higher than the (rain,rain) state. This illustrates the difficulty in interpreting the potentials, as opposed to looking at marginals obtained via inference or looking at samples from the distribution.
samples = UGM_Sample_Chain(nodePot,edgePot,edgeStruct);Below, we show a plot of 100 samples from the model:
We can just as easily do decoding or inference with the potential functions, as we did in previous demos. Conditional decoding/inference/sampling is also straightforward, and we can use it to try and make predictions given observations. For example, if wee see that it rains on the first days of a month, we can use the model to predict what the rest of the month might look like. Below, we condition on the first two days taking the rain state, and generate 100 conditional samples of the rest of the month:
clamped = zeros(nNodes,1);
clamped(1:2) = 2;
condSamples = UGM_Sample_Conditional(nodePot,edgePot,edgeStruct,clamped,@UGM_Sample_Chain);
In the special case of triangulated graphs, also known as decomposable graphical models), the maximum likelihood estimates can be obtained without the need for a gradient method. However, this is not implemented in UGM. Classically, the iterative proportional fitting (IPF) algorithm was used to fit the parameters of MRFs. This method is a form of coordinate descent, but on many problems it is much slower than using L-BFGS (especially for over-parameterized models) so I did not include an implementation of it.
In this and the subsequent demos on parameter estimation, we assume that the graph structure is fixed across training examples. This is why we used the (somewhat ackward) truncation of the rain data to the first 28 days of the month. To use UGM for data sets where different training examples have different graph structures (or number of nodes, number of states, etc.), you simply need to optimizie the sum of the negative log-likelihoods across the examples with different structures.