Betty Shea
    Department of Computer Science
    University of British Columbia

I am a PhD. student supervised by Dr. Mark Schmidt. My research interests are machine learning, optimization and game theory. I am supported by a National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Canadian Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral (CGS-D) award. More info


  • Don't Be So Positive: Negative Step Sizes in Second-Order Methods B. Shea, M. Schmidt. Optimization for Machine Learning workshop (NeurIPS 2024). PDF poster

  • Why Line Search when you can Plane Search? B. Shea, M. Schmidt. PDF (arXiv 2024)

  • Greedy Newton: Newton's Method with Exact Line Search B. Shea, M. Schmidt. Optimization for Machine Learning workshop (NeurIPS 2023). PDF poster

  • Faster quasi-Newton methods for linear composition problems. B. Shea, M. Schmidt. Optimization for Machine Learning workshop (NeurIPS 2021). PDF poster

  • A multiagent model of efficient and sustainable financial markets. B. Shea, M. Schmidt, M. Kamgarpour. Machine Learning for Economic Policy workshop (NeurIPS 2020). PDF poster






      British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC): member of the Fintech Advisory Forum

      Conference reviewer: ECML, ICML, NeurIPS, OptML Workshop, IEEE SPL, IEEE TPAMI

    Work experience


