Tamara Munzner

InfoVis Group
DFP: Designing for People
CAIDA: Centre for Artificial Intelligence Decision-making and Action
DSI: Data Science Institute

Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia
Imager Graphics, Visualization and HCI Lab

Email: tmm (at) cs.ubc.ca, Phone: 604-827-5200, Fax: 604-822-5485, Twitter: @tamaramunzner, Mastodon: @tamara@cosocial.ca
Snailmail: 201-2366 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Office: X661, in X-Wing extension behind ICICS/CS building
Office Hours: after class in IBLC 261 (Tue 5pm), or by appointment in X661 or Zoom (email me)
Calendar: My potential availability (aka maybe/no or free/busy) calendar
LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Scholar: Google Scholar

Other pages: VAD Book | Blog | Publications | Talks | Software | Videos | CV | Bio

Jump to: Research | Teaching | Students | Books | Press | More Information


My research interests include the development, evaluation, and characterization of visualization systems and techniques from both user-driven and technique-driven perspectives. See the Publications page for papers about recent projects.


Current Students

Former Students

Prospective Students

If you are interested in working with me as a graduate student at UBC, please see my directions on how to apply.

Jim Whitehead has some excellent advice for contacting faculty. Although some of his points are specific to UCSC (the differential cost of foreign and native students, the exact details of how to apply), most of the rest is very valid.

I have written down some policies of how I run my group.


I read way too much, mostly science fiction and fantasy novels. I'll admit to reading some utter trash, but I only recommend the good ones. I add books to the recommended list chronologically. I also have a perl script that collates a list by author, which includes short blurbs about some of the authors. My GoodReads page has per-book ratings (but no blurbs). It covers everything I've read for the past several years, all of my physical book library, plus partial coverage of what I happened to remember reading in the more distant past.


More Information

Material accessible from this web page and its subpages that was created by Tamara Munzner is licensed under a
CC BY-SA (Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons) License unless otherwise stated. Note that for most papers, copyright is held by the publisher. Note that for student projects, copyright is held by the creator.
Tamara Munzner
Last modified: Fri Feb 28 22:51:46 PST 2025